Sunday, December 30, 2007

SP December 31, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Liturgical Meltdown Ahead at Ave Maria University?

Musical Rubrics and the Missa de Angelis
NLM Question and Answer

Have a happy and safe new year!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

SP December 29, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Cardinal Bertone confirms the interpretive document on the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum is coming.
"It is predicted that an Instruction which clearly determines the criteria of application of the motu proprio will be made available... There have been confused reactions. Some have accused the Pope of having disowned the Conciliar teaching. On the other hand, there have been those who have interpreted the motu proprio as an authorization for the return of the pre-Conciliar rite only. Both [are] wrong positions, exaggerated episodes which do not correspond to the intentions of the Pope.."
Translation via Rorate Caeli

Thursday, December 27, 2007

SP December 27, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

USCCB President To Participate In Latin Mass

Midnight Mass at St. John Cantius
Beautiful Pictures from NLM

SS Progressive Titanic
—As the progressive liturgical Titanic sinks, the officers assure us there is nothing to worry about. NCR Editorial.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

SP December 26, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

07/07/07: the Church changed forever
Damian Thompson votes for the key religious highlight of the year!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

SP December 23, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

“This proves that prayer does work”

Return of traditional Latin Mass brings harmony to once deeply divided parish

Stanford professor's Palo Alto choir keeps Gregorian chant alive

Gregorian chant has persisted for more than a thousand years, but some fear the haunting melodies are in danger of fading away. That is, unless Stanford Professor William Mahrt has a voice in the matter.

Carmelites to Have Monthly Masses in the Extraordinary Form
in Kirkwood Missouri

Saturday, December 22, 2007

SP December 22, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Clarifying Note on Summorum Pontificum "a few days away"
A few days before the publication of the expected clarifying note written by the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei

Good news from Charlotte
The Catholic newspaper of the Diocese of Charlotte, North Carolina, carried the following article by Karen A. Evans today entitled "Traditional celebration: Extraordinary form of Mass to be offered in diocese"

Friday, December 21, 2007

SP December 21, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Benedict XVI: The Liturgical Pope?
posted by Shawn Tribe

Set to retire, but staking out the future
Looming lay parish leadership means no increase in the number of traditional Latin Masses in Fresno diocese, says Bishop Steinbock.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

SP December 20, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Episcopal Piracy
As it turns out (HT to the Cafeteria) , the norms issued in San Francisco by Archbishop George H. Niederauer turn out to be nothing other than a plagiarized version of the norms issued by his partner in progressivism, Bishop Trautman.

Chant and other Sacred Music interspersed with Benedict's Liturgical Thought: A Concert in Honour of Summorum Pontificum
by Shawn Tribe

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

SP December 19, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

A Faithful Bishop
I don't know about the rest of these guys, but I am with you Your Holiness.

People Don't Want Latin Mass?
What constitutes a groundswell? A follow up to the America Magazine poll.

Quote of the Day:
From a comment on the America Magazine question on interest in the TLM.
Asking who wants the TLM at America Magazine "is rather like asking for cattle ranchers to raise their hands at a PETA convention."

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

SP December 18, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

U.S. News and World Report: A Return to Tradition
A new interest in old ways takes root in Catholicism and many other faiths
"Something curious is happening in the wide world of faith, something that defies easy explanation or quantification. More substantial than a trend but less organized than a movement, it has to do more with how people practice their religion than with what they believe, though people caught up in this change often find that their beliefs are influenced, if not subtly altered, by the changes in their practice."

Jesuits Want to Know If You Can Find A Latin Mass
—Let them know your experience.

Personal Parish for the Traditional Mass in Rome

Traditional Latin Mass Returns to St George’s Cathedral, Southwark, London

The Curt Jester Asks: If only this zeal was applied elsewhere?
With all of the blocking being done to Summorum Pontificum being done by certain bishops we could only wish they could find this same zeal for other projects.

Monday, December 17, 2007

SP December 17, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

The Monastery, the Motu Proprio, and the Heart of the Church
“The liturgy is the heart of the Church,” the abbot responded with a serene expression, “and Pope Benedict knows what medicine the Church requires.”

Perhaps There’s Some Life in the Old Corpus Yet

Latin might be dead, but it continues to twitch. Long after its disappearance as the common tongue of Europe, it survives as a remarkably successful brand, exuding dignity and permanence.

Active Participation At The Latin Mass

Saturday, December 15, 2007

SP December 15, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Pope: seminaries must teach Latin Mass
Bad news for England’s ludicrously overstaffed Catholic seminaries, one of which employs 37 staff for 32 students. The Pope wants them to teach trainee priests how to say the traditional Latin Mass. They won’t like that!

Liturgical Used Car Salesmen
—Sure, you can have that old mass? But we have a much better deal for you!

Norms Issued in San Francisco

Norms Issued in San Francisco

By Patrick Archbold

Norms issued on pre-Vatican II Latin Mass celebration
By Dan Morris-Young

Norms specific to the Archdiocese of San Francisco for the celebration of the Mass and sacraments in Latin according to the missal of Blessed John XXIII of 1962 were promulgated on the Feast of the Assumption, Dec. 8, by San Francisco Archbishop George H. Niederauer and will officially take effect Jan. 8, 2008
The norms come in response to Pope Benedict XVI’s declaration in July which expanded Catholics’ access to what is commonly known as the Tridentine Mass. The pope issued a motu proprio (on his own initiative) instruction titled Summorum Pontificum which relaxed restrictions on the use of the Latin-language rite that predates the Second Vatican Council, and which said the rite should be made available at any parish where groups of the faithful desire it. The papal instruction took effect on Sept. 14.
Both the papal letter and local norms underscore that the Latin-language form of the Mass used prior to the Second Vatican Council will be the “extraordinary form.” Focusing primarily on celebration of the Mass, although other sacraments are mentioned, the new local regulations spell out requirements for clerical competency in the preconciliar form of the Eucharistic liturgy and provide some specifics on pastoral questions.
The norms, for example:
  • Require that archdiocesan priests “give evidence of their ability with the Latin language as well as adequate knowledge of the rubrics for the proper celebration according to the 1962 missal” before they may celebrate in the older form; a priest not of the Archdiocese is required to “provide an authentic letter of good standing” and assurance of liturgical competency from his bishop or religious superior to the archdiocesan vicar for clergy or chancellor;
  • Define “stable group” of parishioners who may seek a regular celebration of the Mass in the extraordinary form as 30 persons “in the same location and in an ongoing manner.”
  • Suggest priests consider “the possibility of celebrating the ordinary form in the Latin language…as an alternative to using the extraordinary form in satisfying the spiritual needs of the faithful who desire a Latin Mass”;
  • Instruct priests they may not on their “own initiative” schedule a public Mass according to the extraordinary form; that such public Masses are to be celebrated only “in parishes where there is a stable group of the faithful who adhere to the earlier tradition” and request such a liturgy;
  • Note that the 1962 missal did not employ female altar servers, thus “the function of altar servers is reserved to males, whether youth or adults” in the extraordinary form;
  • Remind priests that concelebration was “not envisioned in the 1962 Roman Missal” and therefore, “No priest may concelebrate or assist in any way that may be perceived as concelebrating at any Masses using the extraordinary form.”
  • Emphasize that a pastor must keep parish harmony and unity in mind in the event celebration according to the extraordinary form is authorized.
Archdiocesan Chancellor Father Michael Padazinski emphasized that several issues and questions about Summorum Pontificum are currently before the pontifical commission Ecclesia Dei established to oversee implementation of the instruction, so the local norms might need updating in the future. Among those questions, he said, are the potential role of females as altar servers and the definition of “stable group.” Father Padazinski, who is also judicial vicar for the Archdiocese, spearheaded the preparation of the norms, consulting with other canonists, liturgical experts and with the archdiocesan Office of Worship.”
Priests of the Archdiocese have been mailed an explanatory cover letter from Archbishop Niederauer, a copy of the norms, the text of Summorum Pontificum, and a copy of Pope Benedict’s letter to the world’s bishops concerning his motu proprio, Father Padazinski said.
In his letter, Archbishop Niederauer says that he has asked Msgr. Steven D. Otellini and Father Lawrence C. Goode to “act as delegates on my behalf in regard to the implementation of the norms.”
Msgr. Otellini is to confirm Latin language competencyfor priests wishing to celebrate the extraordinary form. Father Goode is to verify priests’ proficiency “regarding the rubrics and practical aspects of implementing the motu proprio.”
Father Goode is pastor of St. Francis of Assisi Parish, East Palo Alto. Msgr. Otellini is pastor of Church of the Nativity, Menlo Park.
Father Padazinski, who is also judicial vicar for the Archdiocese, spearheaded the preparation of the norms, consulting with other canonists, liturgical experts and with Patrick Vallez-Kelly, director of the the archdiocesan Office of Worship.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

SP December 13, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Ecclesia Dei commission meets with incoming bishop of diocese that banned Latin Mass.
The president of the Ecclesia Dei commission met on December 12 with the newly appointed bishop of an Italian diocese where the traditional Latin Mass has been forbidden.

More at Rorate

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

SP December 12, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

The Battle for the Hermeneutic of Vatican II

posted by Shawn Tribe

How big must a group be for the Latin Mass?
A prerequisite for the request for the old Mass is the existence of a "fixed group of believers." The German Bishops are attempting to use this point against the Motu proprio 'Summorum Pontificum'.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

SP December 11, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Marini's Revenge
Archbishop's book tells of battles over control of liturgical reform

Castrillón visits France
Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos was in France on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception for a special Pontifical Mass in Versailles

From Santa Fe

Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan
Archbishop of Santa Fe

In another noteworthy development, I share with you that I have appointed Rev. Carlos Conzales as Chaplain of the Latin Mass Community in Albuquerque. This is being done in accord with the Holy Father’s motu proprio loosening the restrictions on the celebration of the old Latin Mass. In November, I joined Fr. Carlos Gonzales and his community at Our Lady Queen of Peace on San Pedro in Albuquerque to announce my intention to regularize them and to bring them into full communion with the Catholic Church. Fr. Gonzales, who was ordained a priest by Archbishop Lefebvre before the Archbishop was excommunicated by Pope John Paul II, has gone to Rome and met with the authorities of the Ecclesia Dei Commission to receive approval to exercise his priestly ministry in union with Rome. The Latin Mass is at Our Lady Queen of Peace at 1420 San Pedro at 8:30 a.m. Fr. Gonzales will celebrate that Mass and then have the Tridentine Mass at noon on Sundays at San Ignacio. Catholics are welcome to attend either time, which gives another option for those who are drawn to the Tridentine Mass.

Monday, December 10, 2007

SP December 10, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Traditional Mass Concluding Triduum in Honor of the Immaculate Conception
On Friday, December 7, Father George Rutler celebrated a magnificent Traditional liturgy in Our Saviour's Church, New York.

Basilica of Lisieux to offer ancient Roman liturgy?
"The first celebration [of the ancient form of the Roman liturgy] will be held Sunday, December 16 at 9:00am by Mgr. Lagoutte, Rector of the Basilica of Lisieux. As of January, a Tridentine Mass could be celebrated regularly."

What's In A Name?
Forum: Why aren't people using the terms the Pope used?

Una Voce Holy Mass and Meeting News, December 8, 2007
Una Voce Northern Alabama sponsored the celebration of Holy Mass for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception at Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Church.

Friday, December 7, 2007

SP December 7, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Pontifical Requiem at Westminster Cathedral

Resistance to Latin Mass in Germany

Thursday, December 6, 2007

SP December 6, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Poor Portugal.
The TLM in Portugal. An interview with Archbishop Jorge Ortiga

If you can't "Cope" with beauty, read this. NLM on Copes
At times, there are some who consider beautiful vestments and the like as somehow inappropriate, either for reasons of poverty, or for other reasons (noble simplicity, and so on). It is worth meditating upon Benedict's teaching about beauty, and one cannot help but put to mind Dostoyevsky's famed expression that beauty will save the world. TLM

Ve Vill Not Comply
A priest spends valuable time organising a seminar against the Pope's wishes in Germany.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

SP December 5, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Extraordinary Form Confirmations in Northampton diocese

Missa Cantata at the American National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
On November 17th at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in the United States, a Missa Cantata in the ancient form was held in the Lourdres Grotto chapel.

A Reminder

FSSP to Celebrate a Rorate Mass in Hanceville, Alabama, Will be Televised by EWTN

Monday, December 3, 2007

SP December 4, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

The Motu Proprio and the Reform of the Reform
I believe this is what the Pope intended by freeing the Latin Mass. A joy to read.

A Vote for Latin
NY Times says Latin is good for you.

Latin America, land of the Latin Mass & Mass in Mexico Cathedral

SP December 3, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Usus Antiquior returns to Cathedral of Mexico City
posted by Shawn Tribe

Traditional Mass Part of Triduum for Feast of Immaculate Conception
On Friday, December 7 at 6:30 p.m. the Mass of Blessed John XXIII will be celebrated at Our Saviour's Church in New York City. The celebrant will be the pastor, Father George Rutler. This Mass is part of a Triduum in honor of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady. HT to NLM

Tridentine Mass draws diverse crowd of worshipers

Sunday, December 2, 2007

SP December 2, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

You Report: Traditional Masses around the World - VI

Rorate Caeli's continuing series.

The Dominican Rite and the "Last Gospel"

posted by Fr. Augustine Thompson O.P.

FSSP to Toronto? It's up to you!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

SP December 1, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Latin Home Coming for Catholic Priest
On Sunday, Dec. 9, Roberto Cano is coming home to St. Boniface, the church of his youth. The son of Augusto and Rita Cano and graduate of Central Catholic High School in Lafayette, Roberto is returning as Father Cano, FSSP, ordained to the priesthood in November by Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz of the Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska.
But this will be no ordinary homecoming. It will be extraordinary, as in the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite.

TLM Altar requirements
What are the actual requirements for a Tridentine altar. What is the absolute bare minimum needed, what is the standard, and what are some unusally though legal extras?
I want to know if TLM could be said at our existing Novus Ordo-style altar, or what changes would need to be made to it to allow the celebration of a TLM.