Thursday, May 29, 2008

SP May 29, 2008

By Patrick Archbold

What is really needed to be able to celebrate the TLM?

Return of Latin Mass fills church
At St. Anthony, the past becomes present.

Latin Mass Workshop in Chicago a Success

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

SP May 20, 2008

By Patrick Archbold

More on Cardiff's canceled Latin Mass

Wyoming Catholic College and the Sacred Liturgy

Monday, May 19, 2008

SP May 19, 2008

By Patrick Archbold

Latin Mass in Cardiff Canceled
Use of Female Altar Server cited.

DVD of usus antiquior Pontifical Mass in Germany

Saturday, May 17, 2008

SP May 17, 2008

By Patrick Archbold

Smoke of Satan is Liturgical Abuse

Usus Antiquor: Georgetown University

P.S. Sorry for the lack of updates...I was traveling.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

SP May 13, 2008

By Patrick Archbold

Pilgrims sing the praises of Latin
The Tridentine Mass is being revived by young Catholics while walking to Chartres Cathedral

Cardinal de Hoyos: The Mass is for all‏

Monday, May 12, 2008

SP May 12, 2008

By Patrick Archbold

Traditionalist order is ready to return to Rome

Pope wants Tridentine Masses in every parish, says Vatican official

Vatican gives Latin online boost
The Roman Catholic Church, for centuries a bastion of Latin usage, has given the ancient tongue a 21st Century boost by launching a website in Latin.

Friday, May 9, 2008

SP May 9, 2008

By Patrick Archbold

Cardinal Castrillón: Tradition Without Contestation

Fr. Z: What Pope Benedict is up to in Rome with the new “personal parish” alla Summorum Pontificum

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

SP May 7, 2008

By Patrick Archbold

FSSP Rome Parish Erected

First Traditional Mass publicly celebrated by a Bishop in Poland since the 1969-70 reforms

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

SP May 6, 2008

By Patrick Archbold

20 years on: Reliving the Events of 1988 Part II: The Protocol is signed

FSSP:Novena for the faithful in China, 16-24 May 2008

Monday, May 5, 2008

SP May 5, 2008

By Patrick Archbold

Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos: It's For Everyone!
The cardinal said that parishes and priests should make available the Extraordinary Form so that “everyone may have access to this treasure of the ancient liturgy of the Church.” He also stressed that, “even if it is not specifically asked for, or requested” it should be provided. Interestingly, he added that the Pope wants this Mass to become normal in parishes, so that “young communities can also become familiar with this rite.”

Liturgical Reform: The View from 1960

Friday, May 2, 2008

SP May 2, 2008

By Patrick Archbold

Pope Too Stupid To Be A Heretic
—Bishop Williamson of the SSPX has again displayed his dependable dyspepsia.

More on the English Bishops and Ecclesia Dei