Despite abortion views, Biden, Pelosi receive communion in Vatican Mass
By Dave Boyer
The Washington Times
March 19, 2013
Vice President Joseph R. Biden and House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi both received communion during the Mass to celebrate the installation of Pope Francis in spite of their pro-choice position on abortion.
The vice president’s office confirmed Tuesday night that both he and Mrs. Pelosi took communion during the Mass at St. Peter’s Square in Rome.
Some Catholics argue that politicians whose positions on abortion and contraception conflict with church teachings should not receive communion.
“Vice President Biden and Nancy Pelosi should certainly not receive Communion, either at the papal installation or anywhere else,” said the Rev. Frank Pavone, founder of Priests for Life, a U.S.-based Catholic anti-abortion organization.
He predicted a “public uproar” if they took communion.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Despite abortion views, Biden, Pelosi receive communion in Vatican Mass
By Brian Kopp
This is very troubling:
Monday, March 18, 2013
Pope Francis and his close relationship with the Jewish community
By Brian Kopp
Many commentators have noted Pope Francis' close "ecumenical" relationship with the Jewish community in Argentina, some with praise and others with concern. Regardless, it should be noted that this relationship grew out of the deadly AMIA bombing in 1994:
The AMIA bombing was an attack on the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA; Argentine Israelite Mutual Association) building. It occurred in Buenos Aires on July 18, 1994, killing 85 people and injuring hundreds.[3] It was Argentina's deadliest bombing ever. Argentina is home to a Jewish community of 200,000, among the largest in Latin America (see Demographics of Argentina).
Argentina's Jewish population is the largest in Latin America, and the third-largest in the Americas (after that of the United States and Canada). It is the seventh-largest in the worldGiven this reality, that the AMIA bombing was the deadliest in Argentina's history and specifically targeted Buenos Aires large Jewish community, it was only natural that Cardinal Bergoglio would reach out to the Jewish community in Christian compassion.
In 2005, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who would later become Pope Francis, was the first public personality to sign a petition for justice in the AMIA bombing case. He was one of the signatories on a document called “85 victims, 85 signatures” as part of the bombing’s 11th anniversary.Given the close ties that developed following this tragedy between Cardinal Bergoglio and the Jewish leadership of Buenos Aires, the ecumenical gestures that have been recorded and prominently featured on a number of Catholic blogs should not be surprising.
March 18, 2013
New pope is an old friend of the Jewish community
by Mordechai Levin, JTA Before immigrating to the United States from Argentina, I was invited several times on national public holidays to the Metropolitan Cathedral in Buenos Aires for Catholic Mass celebrated by Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, now Pope Francis. As a gesture of inclusiveness, the group of approximately 25 clergy from various faiths was invited to sit close to the altar.
Pope Francis I passes a Swiss Guard as he leaves the Paul VI hall after an audience for members of the media, at the Vatican on March 16. Photo by REUTERS/Paul Hanna
In listening to the cardinal's sermons, I appreciated the many times when he spoke out against injustice, corruption, social inequality, human trafficking and his commitment to building a better society. As a rabbi who is very involved in Jewish-Christian dialogue, I followed his words with great interest.
Argentinians hold varying opinions about the new pope regarding some controversial issues, but many would agree that during his tenure as head of the Argentina Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, Cardinal Bergoglio always promoted interfaith dialogue. He enjoys a good relationship with the Jewish community in Argentina and has been the guest of several synagogues, as well as other Jewish organizations.
The election of a new pope is an important event for the Roman Catholic Church. As the largest Christian denomination in the world with an estimated 1.2 billion members, it is relevant for others, too -- particularly for the Jewish people.
After the murder of 6 million Jews by the Nazis, the Catholic and Protestant churches realized that something was wrong with their teachings about Jews and Judaism because the Holocaust did not happen in Muslim, Buddhist or Hindu countries; it happened in Christian countries. Consequently, the churches began to re-evaluate their historically negative position toward Jews and Judaism.
In 1965, during the Second Vatican Council, Pope Paul VI promulgated the historic Declaration On The Relations of the Church To Non-Christian Religions Nostra Aetate. The document laid the foundation on which important declarations, documents and actions were built.
But with the election of a new pope, the question arises in many minds: Will Pope Francis follow in the steps of his predecessors, John Paul II and Benedict XVI? I am hopeful he will.
In 2010, Cardinal Bergoglio visited the AMIA, an organization in Buenos Aires dedicated to fostering the well-being and development of Jewish life, helping the poor and unemployed, and supporting Jewish education. The AMIA experienced a devastating terrorist attack in 1994 in which 85 people were killed and hundreds were injured.
During his visit, the cardinal said a prayer in the courtyard in front of a memorial with the names of the 85 fatalities, then placed a wreath at the foot of the memorial. Invited to sign the book of illustrious guests, he wrote -- paraphrasing God's words to Abraham after the test of the binding of Isaac (Genesis 22:17) -- "As the sands on the seashore will be your descendants, I thank the Lord that on this day I am allowed to share part of the way with our older brothers."
Bergoglio also said that AMIA is "an example to imitate of work for the common good, a house of solidarity, and a place that evokes in us a history of blood and pain, another link of pain that God's chosen people has been to throughout history."
The cardinal is well known as a humble man who uses public transportation in the city and cooks his own meals. He displayed his modest nature at the end of the visit to the AMIA, when the center's secretary offered to accompany him to his car. When Cardinal Bergoglio replied that he did not have a car, he was told that a cab would be called for him. The cardinal's response was,"No thanks, I will take the subway."
For several years, B'nai B'rith and the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires organized a Jewish-Christian commemoration of Kristallnach, "the Night of Broken Glass" -- the Nazis' state-sanctioned riots against the Jewish community of Germany in November 1938. The commemorations took place at various Catholic churches, including twice at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Buenos Aires, the last time in November 2012.
The commemoration began with the reading of "From Death to Hope: Liturgical Reflections on the Holocaust,” co-edited by the late Rabbi Leon Klenicki, a native Argentinian who was director of interfaith affairs of the Anti-Defamation League, and Eugene Fisher, associate director and secretary for ecumenical and interreligious affairs for the National Conference of Catholic Bishops.
In his speech at the commemoration, the cardinal noted that during World War II, many pretended not to notice what was happening to the Jews. Not only did individuals ignore people in the extermination camps, he said, but entire countries ignored them even though they had the means to help.
As an example, he cited countries that were capable of accessing the extermination camps but did not dare to bomb them. He added, "I apologize for this sin of ignoring our own flesh, which is that of our brothers."
Pope Francis is particularly close to Rabbi Abraham Skorka, rector of the Latin American Rabbinical Seminary (the rabbinical seminary of the Conservative movement) and senior rabbi of the Benei Tikva synagogue in Buenos Aires. Together they published a book, "On Heaven and Earth," which chronicles hundreds of hours of their conversations about God, fundamentalism, death, women, abortion, education, globalization, the Holocaust and the Arab-Israeli conflict, among other topics.
The book, as well as others written by Bergoglio, will likely become best-sellers now. And as a bonus, those who read "On Heaven and Earth" will be introduced to Jewish perspectives and thus will have the opportunity to learn about Judaism.
In the book's introduction, Bergoglio offered his point of view regarding interfaith relationships.
"Dialogue is born of an attitude of respect for another person, and a conviction that the other has something good to say; it assumes to make room in our hearts for his point of view, for his opinions and his suggestions," he wrote. "Dialogue involves a warm welcome, not condemnation. To dialogue, one must lower defenses, open doors and provide human warmth."
Bergoglio described his friendship with the rabbi and their joint preparation of the book, saying, "With Skorka I didn't ever have to compromise my Catholic identity, just as he did not with his Jewish identity. This was not only because of the respect we have for each other, but also because this is what we consider interreligious dialogue."
He added, "I consider Skorka a brother and a friend.”
The two clergy also host a television program for a local Catholic channel in which they discuss topics from the perspectives of each religion. Recently, Argentina Catholic University in Buenos Aires awarded Rabbi Skorka an honorary doctorate, and the cardinal presented it to him.
Those of us who know Pope Francis are confident that in his new position, he will continue in the steps of his two predecessors, and the dialogue and friendship between Catholics and Jews will continue.
Mordechai Levin is the senior rabbi at Beth El Synagogue in Omaha, Neb.
Pope Francis' official Coat of Arms
By Brian Kopp
From the Vatican website announcement (via Google translate, bold added):
...Pope Francis has decided to keep his coat front, chosen from his episcopal consecration and characterized by a linear simplicity.
The blue shield is surmounted by symbols of papal dignity, the same as those taken by his predecessor Benedict XVI (miter placed between crossed keys of gold and silver, bound by a red cord). At the top, stands the emblem of the order of origin of the Pope, the Society of Jesus, a radiant sun and flamboyant loaded from the letters in red IHS monogram of Christ. The letter H is surmounted by a cross, at the tip, the three nails in black.
Below, are the star and the flower of nard. The star, according to the ancient heraldic tradition, symbolizes the Virgin Mary, Mother of Christ and of the Church, while the flower of nard shows St. Joseph, patron of the universal Church. In the iconographic tradition Hispanic, in fact, St. Joseph is depicted holding a branch of spikenard. By placing these images in his shield, the Pope wanted to express his particular devotion to the Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Fatima Shrine recalls Pope Francis' sponsorship of the Pilgrim Image of the Virgin of Fatima
By Brian Kopp
For the record, here is a Google translation of yesterday's email (in Portuguese) of the Fatima Shrine's announcement regarding Cardinal Bergoglio's 1998 sponsorship of the Pilgrim Image of the Virgin of Fatima:
From: Press Room | Fatima Shrine
Date: March 16, 2013 10:42:06 AM PDT
Subject: Buenos Aires, 1998: Fatima Shrine recalls the reception of Pope Francisco to Image Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima
26/2013, of March 16, 2013 - 17:30
Buenos Aires, 1998 - "Benvinda the house, Mother!"
Fatima Shrine recalls the reception of Pope Francisco to Image Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima
The Shrine of Fatima recalls with joy the host made on 19 April 1998 by D. Jorge Mario Bergoglio, current pope Francisco, the image of the Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima, this pilgrimage within the image to Argentina.
In the archives of the Department of Studies and Dissemination (SESDI) Fatima Shrine is said that at 16:00 on 19 April 1998, D. Jorge Mario Bergoglio, as archbishop of Buenos Aires, welcomed the image of the Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima, coming from the Shrine of Fatima in Portugal.
At April 19, the image coming from the Argentine province of S. Louis bound for the federal capital of Argentina, was expected "at the intersection of the avenues", in Buenos Aires, the current Pope Francisco, who deserved to receive the "White Pilgrim."
Along with D. Jorge Mario Bergoglio, and other members of the clergy of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, the Diocese of Avellaneda and "a large quantity of followers of different ages," was the Bishop of Avellaneda, founder of "Missionary Family of Fatima" and promoter Image of Fatima pilgrimage, D. Ruben H. di Monte.
After the reception, the image of the Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima went through some streets of Buenos Aires in procession with prayers and songs, to the College of Our Lady of Fatima, where the Eucharist was celebrated, presided over by the current Pope.
The homily of D. Jorge Mario Bergoglio, described in the documentation submitted to the Shrine of Fatima, as "short, meaningful and emotional," focused on the words of welcome "Benvinda home, Mother."
In that homily, which at the end is particularly addressed a prayer to Our Lady, D. Jorge Bergoglio reflected on the figure of Mary as the mother who welcomes and comforts all her children and they know the prayers, wishes and joys.
"So we opened it (Mother Mary) the door of our hearts and our home. We opened the door for him in our city. She knows where it has to go. She must know where to touch, caress it has to give, that wound can heal. She knows the prayer more guarded in our hearts, what we want, sometimes we dare not say it, "he said.
"Dear Mother: Benvinda the house! It teaches us that Jesus is alive, that feel alive among us. It teaches us the language of tenderness. Welcome home, Mother! Look for my family, you know what you need. Look through our neighborhood, you know right where to go. Look into my heart, you know better than me. Welcome home! Teach me that Jesus is alive, that they think he's dead to me. Give me strength, Mom Give me tenderly to help others. Give me peace of heart. Welcome home! "He prayed.
After the celebration the picture was taken at dusk, the church's first sanctuary dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima in Argentina, where he was from April 19 to May 23.
The Shrine of Fatima in Buenos Aires, according to documentation SESDI, was built in a very poor, originally called "Bajo Flores" currently "Villa Soldati," where he lived "working people and needy to the end".
In 1950, a group of residents of this neighborhood in the capital Buenos Aires acquires an image of Our Lady of Fatima who prays that their homes are spared in the process of expropriation, what would happen. That same year, the Cardinal of Buenos Aires delivers the pastoral care of this zone to the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The first is the charge of the parish priest Mejido Celso Díaz.
The Cardinal had available after the new parish was venerated image of Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal and brought blessed by Cardinal Cherry. The decree of erection of the parish date of July 25, 1950.
The current temple was inaugurated on October 12, 1957, the altar was consecrated a year later and, in 1992, the then Cardinal Archbishop of Buenos Aires, D. Antonio Quarracino, declares as sanctuary archdiocesan parish.
This pilgrimage where the image was received by the current Pope Francisco - who sojourned in the First Image of the Virgin Peregrina (No. 1), which is currently enshrined in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima in Fatima / Portugal - held between 1998 and 2000, with visits to Argentina and Uruguay.
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Pope Francis takes over Vatican's top secret dossiers
By Brian Kopp
From Vatican Insider
Some traditionalist bloggers seem to want to suggest that Pope Francis' closest friends and confidantes are of the progressive persuasion, but his right hand man at present is allegedly a former SSPX seminarian according to several media reports:
Archbishop Gänswein has been credibly reported to offer the TLM daily, and is personally tasked with schooling Pope Francis on the Vatileaks dossier.
I've received correspondence from NewCatholic at Rorate Caeli to the effect that the claim that Archbishop Gänswein attended the SSPX Econe seminary is a media fabrication.
Archbishop Gänswein’s attendance at the SSPX Seminary in Econe was reported in the media at these links, first in 2009 then in 2012:
Vatican: Les Clefs d'une Crise
Power Behind the Papal Throne
Neither of these reports were contradicted by the Vatican or by the SSPX. The claim is repeated in the Wikipedia file for Archbishop Gänswein and has not been amended.
If anyone can verify or refute this claim, I will gladly amend this post as needed.
An SSPX priest, Fr. Robert Jackson of Syracuse NY, has kindly weighed in:
Fr. Georg has the task of guiding Bergoglio in his journey through the Vatican's secrets(vatican insider)
A discreet and unexpected presence on the eve of the Papal election, Fr. Georg has been constantly by Francis’ side during his first public appearances: from his visit to Saint Mary Major to pray, to the meeting with journalists in the Paul VI Audience Hall. The role of Archbishop Gänswein at the beginning of this Pontificate goes beyond that of Prefect of the Pontifical Household; indeed, his sentimental involvement is evident and says a lot about his personality. It also brings to mind the words which, a few months ago, he had said regarding his work with Benedict XVI saying that he wanted to be transparent like glass so as not to obscure the Pope in any way.
Ratzinger's closest collaborator was unable to hold the tears back that afternoon on 28 February when together (like father and son) they left the apartment of the third Loggia. When the seals were finally taken off on Thursday afternoon the experience must have been just as an emotional for him: returning there with Francis, who needed his help to push the door which would not open. Once inside, the memories must have come flooding back to him and Fr. Georg was so rapt that at one point the Regent of the Pontifical Household, Fr.Leonardo Sapienza, had to bring him back to reality by telling him to turn the light on.
This said, Gänswein really likes this Pontiff, who is so different from "his", and yesterday, when Francis said that the Holy Spirit inspired Benedict XVI's decision for the good of the Church, Fr. Georg was truly moved. While under the spotlight, Mgr. Georg always accompanies the new Pope in ceremonies and hearings, and then, behind the scenes, he put the knowledge he had accumulated during his 8 years of service to Ratzinger, at his disposal.
Even on issues left pending: the Vatileaks scandal, the return of the Lefebvrists to communion with Rome, the reform of the Curia, the sacred finances. He is the "ferryman" between two pontificates. An entirely new figure in ecclesiastical history, Fr. Georg is the point of contact between the reigning Pope and the Emeritus one. He preserves his function as Ratzinger's Secretary and continues to live with him at Castel Gandolfo, but at the same time he runs the Pontificalis Domus of his successor Bergoglio. Beyond any protocol, he substantially acts as a transmission belt in the difficult starting phase of the pontificate.
"He is performing a very delicate task," explains a head of a dicastery, "Fr. Georg is with Francis not so much because of his current tasks in the Apostolic Palace, but because he is helping in the handover of delicate topics, on Ratzinger's behalf." In short, the presence (and advice) of Mgr. Gaenswein is how Benedict XVI is helping Bergoglio through the meanders of the Roman Curia and is "protecting" him through the slippery transition phase. "It is Fr. Georg who has the Vatileaks dossier to be delivered to Francis", explains the cardinal, referring to the report by the three investigating cardinals Herranz, Tomko, and De Giorgi on the theft of documents from the papal apartment.
Tuesday, Gänswein was Ratzinger's eyes at the moment of the extra omnes; he was one of the last ones to leave the Sistine Chapel when the Conclave got underway. Already on Thursday he was with the newly elected Pope in the Basilica of St. Mary Major in Rome and then he was at the mass pro Ecclesia co-celebrated in the chapel frescoed by Michelangelo with the 114 cardinal electors. Friday, in the Clementine Hall, he participated in the cardinals' greeting ceremony, where many of the cardinals delivered letters and gifts for the new Pontiff. Francis entrusted them to Gänswein, who, on his right, acted as the imaginary bridge to the Pope Emeritus repeatedly mentioned by Francis. Fr. Georg was also the protagonist of a curious unscheduled episode: the Polish Nycz, after the act of homage to Bergoglio, did not return directly to his place, but stopped to ask Fr. Georg to bring his greetings to Ratzinger (while Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, Wojtyla's successor in Krakow and Georg's predecessor in his Vatican tasks, had not done this). As Prefect of the Pontifical Household, Fr. Georg manages the Pontiff’s agenda of commitments, but he also continues to be the right-hand man of his predecessor.
Meanwhile, Fr. Georg is giving Francis good tips on how to move within the Curia environment and on which figures could be considered for possible key positions.
Some traditionalist bloggers seem to want to suggest that Pope Francis' closest friends and confidantes are of the progressive persuasion, but his right hand man at present is allegedly a former SSPX seminarian according to several media reports:
Georg Gänswein, despite his athletic and youthful appearance, is extremely conservative. But he has been careful to tone down his “traditionalist” side. Shortly after the election of Benedict XVI in 2005, all references to the papal secretary’s life prior to his new-found fame disappeared from the internet. Only later did any personal information about him gradually find its way back into the public forum. One reason for this, it appears, is that he initially began his seminary training at the international seminary in Ecône (Switzerland) run by the Society of St Pius X (SSPX), or Lefebvrists. This was finally reported in 2009 by French magazine L’Express and repeated on numerous, mostly Vatican-friendly internet sites. No one at the Vatican has ever officially denied it.
Archbishop Gänswein has been credibly reported to offer the TLM daily, and is personally tasked with schooling Pope Francis on the Vatileaks dossier.
I've received correspondence from NewCatholic at Rorate Caeli to the effect that the claim that Archbishop Gänswein attended the SSPX Econe seminary is a media fabrication.
Archbishop Gänswein’s attendance at the SSPX Seminary in Econe was reported in the media at these links, first in 2009 then in 2012:
Vatican: Les Clefs d'une Crise
Power Behind the Papal Throne
Neither of these reports were contradicted by the Vatican or by the SSPX. The claim is repeated in the Wikipedia file for Archbishop Gänswein and has not been amended.
If anyone can verify or refute this claim, I will gladly amend this post as needed.
An SSPX priest, Fr. Robert Jackson of Syracuse NY, has kindly weighed in:
"I attended Econe for 5 years. To the best of my knowledge your man did not attend Econe at any point."This post has been amended as per his request.
Pope Francis' first Sunday liturgy maintains Benedictine altar arrangement, communion kneeling and on tongue
By Brian Kopp
Contrary to many fears expressed on traditional blogs and websites, in Pope Francis' initial Sunday mass, the Benedictine altar arrangement first noted under Pope Benedict XVI has been maintained, and communion was solely distributed to those kneeling, and on the tongue. For more details, see this post at the Southern Orders blog.
Home > Audiences & Angelus > 2013-03-17 12:31:49


Radio) Pope Francis celebrated Mass on Sunday in the parish church of
Vatican City, dedicated to St. Anne, the mother of Our Lady. The choir
intoned the Attende, Domine! at the entrance, and the readings were
those of the fifth Sunday of Lent: from the prophet, Isaiah; Psalm 126 –
the Lord has done great things for us; the Letter of St Paul the
Apostle to the Philippians; and a reading from the Gospel according to
St John, in which the woman caught in adultery and subject under law to
death by stoning, is presented to Jesus for judgment, and he says, “Let
the one among you who is without sin be the first to cast his stone.”
“He has come for us,” said Pope Francis in his homily, “when we
recognize that we are sinners.” Mercy, in fact, was the key lesson and
the Good News proclaimed this Sunday. “Mercy,” said Pope Francis, “is
the Lord’s most powerful message.” Listen: 
Speaking without a prepared text, Pope Francis said, “If we are like the Pharisee before the altar, [who said], ‘Thank you, Lord, for not making me like all the other men, and especially not like that fellow at the door, like that publican…,’ well, then we do not know the heart of the Lord, and we shall not ever have the joy of feeling this mercy.” Pope Francis went on to say, “It is not easy to entrust oneself to the mercy of God, because [His mercy] is an unfathomable abyss – but we must do it!” Pope Francis continued, “He has the ability to forget, [which is] special: He forgets [our sins], He kisses you, He embraces you, and He says to you, ‘Neither do I condemn you. Go, and from now, on, sin no more.’ Only that counsel does He give you.” Pope Francis concluded, saying, “We ask for the grace of never tiring of asking pardon, for He never tires of pardoning.”
At the end of Mass, after receiving the greetings of the pastor of the parish, Fr. Bruno Silvestrini, OSA, and the Archpriest of St Peter’s Basilica and vicar-general for Vatican City, Cardinal Angelo Comastri, Pope Francis thanked the whole parish community, as well as those who had travelled from afar to be in Rome during these days. He made especial mention of Fr. Gonzalo Aemilius, the director of the Liceo Jubilar Juan Pablo II in Uruguay, which educates poor and at-risk children and young people. “I don’t know how he came to be here today,” said Pope Francis. “Pray for him,” he said. Following the Mass, just like a local parish priest, Pope Francis greeted parishioners at the church door, before going briefly to the crowd gathered outside the St Anne’s Gate.
After returning into the church to take off his liturgical vestments, Pope Francis again greeted the faithful outside, before making his way to his study and the window overlooking St Peter’s Square, below which was gathered a crowd 300 thousand-strong, more than rivalling the throng of people who braved cold, rain and dark to meet the Pope on Wednesday – the night of his election - and receive his blessing for the first time. Dozens of national flags were visible in the packed Square, and a deafening cheer went up when, at last, Pope Francis appeared. Mercy was once again the cornerstone of his reflections ahead of the traditional prayer of Marian devotion.
He told a story, of an elderly widow he encountered during a Mass for the sick celebrated in connection with a visit of the image of Our Lady of Fatima. “I went to confession during the Mass,” he said, “and near the end – I had to go to do confirmations afterward, and an elderly lady approached me – humble [she was] so very humble, more than eighty years old. I looked at her, and said, ‘Grandmother,’ – where I come from, we call elderly people grandmother and grandfather – ‘would you like to make your confession?’ ‘Yes,’ she said – and I said, ‘but, if you have not sinned…’ and she said, ‘we all have sinned.’ [I replied], ‘if perhaps He should not forgive [you]?’ and, sure, she replied, ‘The Lord forgives everything.’ I asked, ‘How do you know this for sure, madam?’ and she replied, ‘If the Lord hadn’t forgiven all, then the world wouldn’t [still] be here.’ And, I wanted to ask her, ‘Madam, did you study at the Gregorian (the Pontifical Gregorian University, founded in 1551 by St Ignatius Loyola, the oldest Jesuit university in the world)?’ – because that is wisdom, which the Holy Spirit gives – interior wisdom regarding the mercy of God. Let us not forget this word: God never tires of forgiving us,” he repeated, “but we sometimes tire of asking Him to forgive us.” Pope Francis went on to say, “Let us never tire of asking God’s forgiveness.”
Home > Audiences & Angelus > 2013-03-17 12:31:49
Pope Francis: Mass at Vatican parish and Angelus
Speaking without a prepared text, Pope Francis said, “If we are like the Pharisee before the altar, [who said], ‘Thank you, Lord, for not making me like all the other men, and especially not like that fellow at the door, like that publican…,’ well, then we do not know the heart of the Lord, and we shall not ever have the joy of feeling this mercy.” Pope Francis went on to say, “It is not easy to entrust oneself to the mercy of God, because [His mercy] is an unfathomable abyss – but we must do it!” Pope Francis continued, “He has the ability to forget, [which is] special: He forgets [our sins], He kisses you, He embraces you, and He says to you, ‘Neither do I condemn you. Go, and from now, on, sin no more.’ Only that counsel does He give you.” Pope Francis concluded, saying, “We ask for the grace of never tiring of asking pardon, for He never tires of pardoning.”
At the end of Mass, after receiving the greetings of the pastor of the parish, Fr. Bruno Silvestrini, OSA, and the Archpriest of St Peter’s Basilica and vicar-general for Vatican City, Cardinal Angelo Comastri, Pope Francis thanked the whole parish community, as well as those who had travelled from afar to be in Rome during these days. He made especial mention of Fr. Gonzalo Aemilius, the director of the Liceo Jubilar Juan Pablo II in Uruguay, which educates poor and at-risk children and young people. “I don’t know how he came to be here today,” said Pope Francis. “Pray for him,” he said. Following the Mass, just like a local parish priest, Pope Francis greeted parishioners at the church door, before going briefly to the crowd gathered outside the St Anne’s Gate.
After returning into the church to take off his liturgical vestments, Pope Francis again greeted the faithful outside, before making his way to his study and the window overlooking St Peter’s Square, below which was gathered a crowd 300 thousand-strong, more than rivalling the throng of people who braved cold, rain and dark to meet the Pope on Wednesday – the night of his election - and receive his blessing for the first time. Dozens of national flags were visible in the packed Square, and a deafening cheer went up when, at last, Pope Francis appeared. Mercy was once again the cornerstone of his reflections ahead of the traditional prayer of Marian devotion.
He told a story, of an elderly widow he encountered during a Mass for the sick celebrated in connection with a visit of the image of Our Lady of Fatima. “I went to confession during the Mass,” he said, “and near the end – I had to go to do confirmations afterward, and an elderly lady approached me – humble [she was] so very humble, more than eighty years old. I looked at her, and said, ‘Grandmother,’ – where I come from, we call elderly people grandmother and grandfather – ‘would you like to make your confession?’ ‘Yes,’ she said – and I said, ‘but, if you have not sinned…’ and she said, ‘we all have sinned.’ [I replied], ‘if perhaps He should not forgive [you]?’ and, sure, she replied, ‘The Lord forgives everything.’ I asked, ‘How do you know this for sure, madam?’ and she replied, ‘If the Lord hadn’t forgiven all, then the world wouldn’t [still] be here.’ And, I wanted to ask her, ‘Madam, did you study at the Gregorian (the Pontifical Gregorian University, founded in 1551 by St Ignatius Loyola, the oldest Jesuit university in the world)?’ – because that is wisdom, which the Holy Spirit gives – interior wisdom regarding the mercy of God. Let us not forget this word: God never tires of forgiving us,” he repeated, “but we sometimes tire of asking Him to forgive us.” Pope Francis went on to say, “Let us never tire of asking God’s forgiveness.”
Friday, March 15, 2013
Pope Francis and the Traditional Liturgy
By Brian Kopp
Francis and the Traditional Liturgy
I have received many letters and emails, and even some phone calls, from people who read a sentence in yesterday's email which they found worrisome.
I would like to encourage everyone to stay calm, and give the new Pope a chance.
Here is the sentence that I wrote last night:
"Cardinal Bergoglio is hostile toward the Traditional Mass, but he wrote a beautiful letter sent to the Carmelites of his diocese regarding the grave matter of the legal redefinition of marriage."Many wrote that they found the sentence itself strange, because the two clauses or concepts don't appear to be linked in any way.
I was simply trying to address two issues which I had come across in my reading, both issues of concern to Catholics: the new Pope's views on the liturgy, and his views on marriage and the family.
In my reading, I had come across reports that suggested that he has not promoted, or favored, or been particularly supportive of, the traditional liturgy, in his diocese in the city of Buenos Aires.
Some of these reports even stated that he has been "hostile" to the old liturgy.
Without knowing the exact details of the situation myself, personally, I nevertheless took these reports seriously, and as reliable enough to report them.
At the same time, I reported the very strong and eloquent content of his letter in defense of the traditional family and marriage.
Here below is one of several sources for my statement regarding Cardinal Bergoglio's attitude toward the old Mass. It says, in Spanish, that the new Pope was a "sworn enemy" of the traditional Mass and that he took action against priests who expressed interest in Summorum Pontificum. I deduced from this that Cardinal Bergoglio has been "hostile" to the old Mass, and wrote that. Here is the quote in Spanish, and the link to the source:
"Enemigo jurado de la misa tradicional, no ha permitido sino parodias en manos de enemigos declarados de la liturgia antigua. Ha perseguido a todo sacerdote que se empeñó en usar sotana, predicar con solidez o que se haya interesado en la Summorum Pontificum."
However, I have since received a large number of other emails containing very different information. Here is one from a respected Catholic philosopher and writer whom I trust a great deal:
Dear Robert,I read with passionate interest all the reports you sent us since Benedict XVI (to my deep regret) stepped down. I thank you for them; they were remarkably well done, informative and expressing your love for the Church.
But I was deeply grieved today in reading that you write that Francis I is hostile to the Tridentine Mass. This must be a terrible misinformation likely to do a lot of harm to many of your readers.Archbishop Bergoglio, upon receiving the information that Benedictine XVI (at my repeated requests) had granted a universal indult, designated the Church Michel Angelo as the one place where the traditional Mass would be said. Its pastor, Padre Ricardo Dotro (I might get the name wrong) a well-trained liturgist, was going to say it to those who wished it. It was well-attended; hundred of people with their old missals, even some younger people, ladies wearing Mantillas, and modestly dressed, six candles on the altar, Mass ad orientem, kneeling for communion on the tongue.
I fear you were misinformed. Because the Mass had not been said for 40 years, all the younger priests could not say it. This was well-calculated; if no one can say that mass, that it certain to bury it. But it survived.
I wish you would correct this. Many of your devoted readers will be, like me, deeply grieved, unless you do. In the joy of Habemus papam and thanking you for your great work, I am, dear Robert, yours in caritate Christi.(end of letter)
So, at this point, I will step back from the entire question to give a judgment regardless of anything that happened in the past, and it is this: in my view, we should have no concerns whatsoever about the continued celebration of the traditional Latin Mass under our new Pope, Francis.
I do not believe Francis will do anything to undermine the freedom Pope Benedict granted to the traditional Latin Mass in 2007.
And, even more, I agree with what one reader writes:
"Unlike Pope Benedict, I would not be at all surprised to see Pope Francis publicly offer a traditional Latin Mass some day. He has a deep devotion to Our Lady of Fatima, is said to practice the Five First Saturday Devotions, and prays 15 decades of the Rosary each day. I believe that, after he meets with Pope Emeritus Benedict, reads the 300-page dossier on the Vatileaks scandal, and reads the rest of the Third Secret of Fatima, he will be a different man than he was as archbishop, then cardinal, in Argentina."
Pope Francis strikes me as a man who, once he learns something is the Lord’s will, will simply make it his own.
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