Monday, August 27, 2007

Summorum Pontificum August 27, 2007

Give Tradition Some Time
I keep hearing people saying things like, "there aren't many people in my parish who want the Traditional Latin Mass." Well there probably aren't many people in those parishes who "like" or "want" to do penance, live a life of devout prayer, or "take up their cross" and follow Jesus Christ.

Latin Mass in Maine? Don't Count on it.
In July, Pope Benedict XVI issued a ruling granting priests the right to hold Latin Masses without the approval of the region's bishop starting in September, but don't count on it happening quite that soon on the Seacoast.

Father Z takes on
The Tablet on the Archpb. of Glasgow’s harsh provisions for the older Mass


  1. well, on the "Give Tradition Time" from a blog, I would dispute the writer's rather extravagent claims about the Tridentine Mass being the "best man has given to God"- it that is meant Liturgically, I would counter with the Divine Liturgy of St John which is more ancient and is just as beautiful a gift to God in it's different way. The Mass or the Liturgy is the best Gift given to God because it is the Sacrifice of Christ represented not just the form of the Tridentine Mass. It is only a liturgical form.

  2. Fr. Kerper has changed his mind. According to the parish bulletin, the Latin Mass according to the 1962 Roman Missal of Blessed John XXIII will be coming to Immaculate Conception church, 98 Summer St., Portsmouth on September 23, 2007 at 11:00 AM.

    Deo gratias!

  3. That's excellent news from Portsmouth. I work in Portsmouth and I have checked out the churches in the area. I may have to drive up from MA on the 23rd to attend the Mass.
