Monday, October 29, 2007

SP October 29, 2007

Two Takes on Tridentine Mass

A secular newspaper and a priest measure response to the motu proprio. Guess who gets it right?

Naples, FL: implementing Summorum Pontificum

Steubenville's Response: Reluctant Acceptance


  1. I do not know that I would even call it acceptance. Rather they are willing to bus students off campus than offer the extraordinary form of the Mass themselves. But a healing Mass or charismatic Mass is probably okay.
    We are only 'tolerant' of what we ourselves prefer...

  2. The TLM does not afford much opportunity for improvisation. The missal states, in detail, just how the liturgy is to be offered.

    I wonder if these charismatic leaders object to the TLM because they can't inject their charismatic prayers and gestures the way they do when celebrating the Novus Ordo Mass.
