Sunday, December 30, 2007

SP December 31, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Liturgical Meltdown Ahead at Ave Maria University?

Musical Rubrics and the Missa de Angelis
NLM Question and Answer

Have a happy and safe new year!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

SP December 29, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Cardinal Bertone confirms the interpretive document on the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum is coming.
"It is predicted that an Instruction which clearly determines the criteria of application of the motu proprio will be made available... There have been confused reactions. Some have accused the Pope of having disowned the Conciliar teaching. On the other hand, there have been those who have interpreted the motu proprio as an authorization for the return of the pre-Conciliar rite only. Both [are] wrong positions, exaggerated episodes which do not correspond to the intentions of the Pope.."
Translation via Rorate Caeli

Thursday, December 27, 2007

SP December 27, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

USCCB President To Participate In Latin Mass

Midnight Mass at St. John Cantius
Beautiful Pictures from NLM

SS Progressive Titanic
—As the progressive liturgical Titanic sinks, the officers assure us there is nothing to worry about. NCR Editorial.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

SP December 26, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

07/07/07: the Church changed forever
Damian Thompson votes for the key religious highlight of the year!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

SP December 23, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

“This proves that prayer does work”

Return of traditional Latin Mass brings harmony to once deeply divided parish

Stanford professor's Palo Alto choir keeps Gregorian chant alive

Gregorian chant has persisted for more than a thousand years, but some fear the haunting melodies are in danger of fading away. That is, unless Stanford Professor William Mahrt has a voice in the matter.

Carmelites to Have Monthly Masses in the Extraordinary Form
in Kirkwood Missouri

Saturday, December 22, 2007

SP December 22, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Clarifying Note on Summorum Pontificum "a few days away"
A few days before the publication of the expected clarifying note written by the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei

Good news from Charlotte
The Catholic newspaper of the Diocese of Charlotte, North Carolina, carried the following article by Karen A. Evans today entitled "Traditional celebration: Extraordinary form of Mass to be offered in diocese"

Friday, December 21, 2007

SP December 21, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Benedict XVI: The Liturgical Pope?
posted by Shawn Tribe

Set to retire, but staking out the future
Looming lay parish leadership means no increase in the number of traditional Latin Masses in Fresno diocese, says Bishop Steinbock.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

SP December 20, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Episcopal Piracy
As it turns out (HT to the Cafeteria) , the norms issued in San Francisco by Archbishop George H. Niederauer turn out to be nothing other than a plagiarized version of the norms issued by his partner in progressivism, Bishop Trautman.

Chant and other Sacred Music interspersed with Benedict's Liturgical Thought: A Concert in Honour of Summorum Pontificum
by Shawn Tribe

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

SP December 19, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

A Faithful Bishop
I don't know about the rest of these guys, but I am with you Your Holiness.

People Don't Want Latin Mass?
What constitutes a groundswell? A follow up to the America Magazine poll.

Quote of the Day:
From a comment on the America Magazine question on interest in the TLM.
Asking who wants the TLM at America Magazine "is rather like asking for cattle ranchers to raise their hands at a PETA convention."

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

SP December 18, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

U.S. News and World Report: A Return to Tradition
A new interest in old ways takes root in Catholicism and many other faiths
"Something curious is happening in the wide world of faith, something that defies easy explanation or quantification. More substantial than a trend but less organized than a movement, it has to do more with how people practice their religion than with what they believe, though people caught up in this change often find that their beliefs are influenced, if not subtly altered, by the changes in their practice."

Jesuits Want to Know If You Can Find A Latin Mass
—Let them know your experience.

Personal Parish for the Traditional Mass in Rome

Traditional Latin Mass Returns to St George’s Cathedral, Southwark, London

The Curt Jester Asks: If only this zeal was applied elsewhere?
With all of the blocking being done to Summorum Pontificum being done by certain bishops we could only wish they could find this same zeal for other projects.

Monday, December 17, 2007

SP December 17, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

The Monastery, the Motu Proprio, and the Heart of the Church
“The liturgy is the heart of the Church,” the abbot responded with a serene expression, “and Pope Benedict knows what medicine the Church requires.”

Perhaps There’s Some Life in the Old Corpus Yet

Latin might be dead, but it continues to twitch. Long after its disappearance as the common tongue of Europe, it survives as a remarkably successful brand, exuding dignity and permanence.

Active Participation At The Latin Mass

Saturday, December 15, 2007

SP December 15, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Pope: seminaries must teach Latin Mass
Bad news for England’s ludicrously overstaffed Catholic seminaries, one of which employs 37 staff for 32 students. The Pope wants them to teach trainee priests how to say the traditional Latin Mass. They won’t like that!

Liturgical Used Car Salesmen
—Sure, you can have that old mass? But we have a much better deal for you!

Norms Issued in San Francisco

Norms Issued in San Francisco

By Patrick Archbold

Norms issued on pre-Vatican II Latin Mass celebration
By Dan Morris-Young

Norms specific to the Archdiocese of San Francisco for the celebration of the Mass and sacraments in Latin according to the missal of Blessed John XXIII of 1962 were promulgated on the Feast of the Assumption, Dec. 8, by San Francisco Archbishop George H. Niederauer and will officially take effect Jan. 8, 2008
The norms come in response to Pope Benedict XVI’s declaration in July which expanded Catholics’ access to what is commonly known as the Tridentine Mass. The pope issued a motu proprio (on his own initiative) instruction titled Summorum Pontificum which relaxed restrictions on the use of the Latin-language rite that predates the Second Vatican Council, and which said the rite should be made available at any parish where groups of the faithful desire it. The papal instruction took effect on Sept. 14.
Both the papal letter and local norms underscore that the Latin-language form of the Mass used prior to the Second Vatican Council will be the “extraordinary form.” Focusing primarily on celebration of the Mass, although other sacraments are mentioned, the new local regulations spell out requirements for clerical competency in the preconciliar form of the Eucharistic liturgy and provide some specifics on pastoral questions.
The norms, for example:
  • Require that archdiocesan priests “give evidence of their ability with the Latin language as well as adequate knowledge of the rubrics for the proper celebration according to the 1962 missal” before they may celebrate in the older form; a priest not of the Archdiocese is required to “provide an authentic letter of good standing” and assurance of liturgical competency from his bishop or religious superior to the archdiocesan vicar for clergy or chancellor;
  • Define “stable group” of parishioners who may seek a regular celebration of the Mass in the extraordinary form as 30 persons “in the same location and in an ongoing manner.”
  • Suggest priests consider “the possibility of celebrating the ordinary form in the Latin language…as an alternative to using the extraordinary form in satisfying the spiritual needs of the faithful who desire a Latin Mass”;
  • Instruct priests they may not on their “own initiative” schedule a public Mass according to the extraordinary form; that such public Masses are to be celebrated only “in parishes where there is a stable group of the faithful who adhere to the earlier tradition” and request such a liturgy;
  • Note that the 1962 missal did not employ female altar servers, thus “the function of altar servers is reserved to males, whether youth or adults” in the extraordinary form;
  • Remind priests that concelebration was “not envisioned in the 1962 Roman Missal” and therefore, “No priest may concelebrate or assist in any way that may be perceived as concelebrating at any Masses using the extraordinary form.”
  • Emphasize that a pastor must keep parish harmony and unity in mind in the event celebration according to the extraordinary form is authorized.
Archdiocesan Chancellor Father Michael Padazinski emphasized that several issues and questions about Summorum Pontificum are currently before the pontifical commission Ecclesia Dei established to oversee implementation of the instruction, so the local norms might need updating in the future. Among those questions, he said, are the potential role of females as altar servers and the definition of “stable group.” Father Padazinski, who is also judicial vicar for the Archdiocese, spearheaded the preparation of the norms, consulting with other canonists, liturgical experts and with the archdiocesan Office of Worship.”
Priests of the Archdiocese have been mailed an explanatory cover letter from Archbishop Niederauer, a copy of the norms, the text of Summorum Pontificum, and a copy of Pope Benedict’s letter to the world’s bishops concerning his motu proprio, Father Padazinski said.
In his letter, Archbishop Niederauer says that he has asked Msgr. Steven D. Otellini and Father Lawrence C. Goode to “act as delegates on my behalf in regard to the implementation of the norms.”
Msgr. Otellini is to confirm Latin language competencyfor priests wishing to celebrate the extraordinary form. Father Goode is to verify priests’ proficiency “regarding the rubrics and practical aspects of implementing the motu proprio.”
Father Goode is pastor of St. Francis of Assisi Parish, East Palo Alto. Msgr. Otellini is pastor of Church of the Nativity, Menlo Park.
Father Padazinski, who is also judicial vicar for the Archdiocese, spearheaded the preparation of the norms, consulting with other canonists, liturgical experts and with Patrick Vallez-Kelly, director of the the archdiocesan Office of Worship.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

SP December 13, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Ecclesia Dei commission meets with incoming bishop of diocese that banned Latin Mass.
The president of the Ecclesia Dei commission met on December 12 with the newly appointed bishop of an Italian diocese where the traditional Latin Mass has been forbidden.

More at Rorate

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

SP December 12, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

The Battle for the Hermeneutic of Vatican II

posted by Shawn Tribe

How big must a group be for the Latin Mass?
A prerequisite for the request for the old Mass is the existence of a "fixed group of believers." The German Bishops are attempting to use this point against the Motu proprio 'Summorum Pontificum'.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

SP December 11, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Marini's Revenge
Archbishop's book tells of battles over control of liturgical reform

Castrillón visits France
Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos was in France on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception for a special Pontifical Mass in Versailles

From Santa Fe

Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan
Archbishop of Santa Fe

In another noteworthy development, I share with you that I have appointed Rev. Carlos Conzales as Chaplain of the Latin Mass Community in Albuquerque. This is being done in accord with the Holy Father’s motu proprio loosening the restrictions on the celebration of the old Latin Mass. In November, I joined Fr. Carlos Gonzales and his community at Our Lady Queen of Peace on San Pedro in Albuquerque to announce my intention to regularize them and to bring them into full communion with the Catholic Church. Fr. Gonzales, who was ordained a priest by Archbishop Lefebvre before the Archbishop was excommunicated by Pope John Paul II, has gone to Rome and met with the authorities of the Ecclesia Dei Commission to receive approval to exercise his priestly ministry in union with Rome. The Latin Mass is at Our Lady Queen of Peace at 1420 San Pedro at 8:30 a.m. Fr. Gonzales will celebrate that Mass and then have the Tridentine Mass at noon on Sundays at San Ignacio. Catholics are welcome to attend either time, which gives another option for those who are drawn to the Tridentine Mass.

Monday, December 10, 2007

SP December 10, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Traditional Mass Concluding Triduum in Honor of the Immaculate Conception
On Friday, December 7, Father George Rutler celebrated a magnificent Traditional liturgy in Our Saviour's Church, New York.

Basilica of Lisieux to offer ancient Roman liturgy?
"The first celebration [of the ancient form of the Roman liturgy] will be held Sunday, December 16 at 9:00am by Mgr. Lagoutte, Rector of the Basilica of Lisieux. As of January, a Tridentine Mass could be celebrated regularly."

What's In A Name?
Forum: Why aren't people using the terms the Pope used?

Una Voce Holy Mass and Meeting News, December 8, 2007
Una Voce Northern Alabama sponsored the celebration of Holy Mass for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception at Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Church.

Friday, December 7, 2007

SP December 7, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Pontifical Requiem at Westminster Cathedral

Resistance to Latin Mass in Germany

Thursday, December 6, 2007

SP December 6, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Poor Portugal.
The TLM in Portugal. An interview with Archbishop Jorge Ortiga

If you can't "Cope" with beauty, read this. NLM on Copes
At times, there are some who consider beautiful vestments and the like as somehow inappropriate, either for reasons of poverty, or for other reasons (noble simplicity, and so on). It is worth meditating upon Benedict's teaching about beauty, and one cannot help but put to mind Dostoyevsky's famed expression that beauty will save the world. TLM

Ve Vill Not Comply
A priest spends valuable time organising a seminar against the Pope's wishes in Germany.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

SP December 5, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Extraordinary Form Confirmations in Northampton diocese

Missa Cantata at the American National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
On November 17th at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in the United States, a Missa Cantata in the ancient form was held in the Lourdres Grotto chapel.

A Reminder

FSSP to Celebrate a Rorate Mass in Hanceville, Alabama, Will be Televised by EWTN

Monday, December 3, 2007

SP December 4, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

The Motu Proprio and the Reform of the Reform
I believe this is what the Pope intended by freeing the Latin Mass. A joy to read.

A Vote for Latin
NY Times says Latin is good for you.

Latin America, land of the Latin Mass & Mass in Mexico Cathedral

SP December 3, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Usus Antiquior returns to Cathedral of Mexico City
posted by Shawn Tribe

Traditional Mass Part of Triduum for Feast of Immaculate Conception
On Friday, December 7 at 6:30 p.m. the Mass of Blessed John XXIII will be celebrated at Our Saviour's Church in New York City. The celebrant will be the pastor, Father George Rutler. This Mass is part of a Triduum in honor of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady. HT to NLM

Tridentine Mass draws diverse crowd of worshipers

Sunday, December 2, 2007

SP December 2, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

You Report: Traditional Masses around the World - VI

Rorate Caeli's continuing series.

The Dominican Rite and the "Last Gospel"

posted by Fr. Augustine Thompson O.P.

FSSP to Toronto? It's up to you!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

SP December 1, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Latin Home Coming for Catholic Priest
On Sunday, Dec. 9, Roberto Cano is coming home to St. Boniface, the church of his youth. The son of Augusto and Rita Cano and graduate of Central Catholic High School in Lafayette, Roberto is returning as Father Cano, FSSP, ordained to the priesthood in November by Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz of the Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska.
But this will be no ordinary homecoming. It will be extraordinary, as in the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite.

TLM Altar requirements
What are the actual requirements for a Tridentine altar. What is the absolute bare minimum needed, what is the standard, and what are some unusally though legal extras?
I want to know if TLM could be said at our existing Novus Ordo-style altar, or what changes would need to be made to it to allow the celebration of a TLM.

Friday, November 30, 2007

SP November 30, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Archbishop Burke approves new oratory for Latin Mass

Rome: is the lifting of the Lefebvrist excommunications near?
It is up to them.

Mater Dei Community Established in Diocese by Jen Reed

Msgr. Wach meets with Pope Benedict
On Wednesday, October 3, Msgr. Gilles Wach, Prior General of the Institute of Christ the King, had a very special surprise visit with the Holy Father at the Holy Father's General Audience. His Holiness, recognizing Msgr. Wach in the front row, amidst the pilgrims awaiting his passing by, graciously stopped for a short conversation in which he commented on the Institute's large number of vocations, and inquired about its latest developments, including those in America.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

SP November 29, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Say What?
Summorum Pontificum was vague, so all masses are canceled. Besides, I don't like your attitude!

Summorum Pontificum on Long Island
Steady growth.

Cardinal Pell's Mass in Sydney
A video of the classical Roman Rite Mass celebrated by Cardinal George Pell in St Mary's Cathedral, Sydney, 3rd November 2007.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

SP November 28, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Cardinal George to celebrate Solemn High Mass on Dec. 29

And The Chant Goes On
Tongues trip over lyrics crafted in a dead language. Their lungs give out under syllables meant to be held for seven, sometimes 10 seconds.

Bishop Cordileone Pontifical Requiem

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

SP November 27, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

The Death Certificate of the New Mass Has Now Been Signed and Much more
Bishop Fellay of the SSPX on many topics!

Italian Bishop suspends priests for insisting on Latin Mass
—Bishop Renato Corti of Novara, Itay, has suspended 3 priests who refused to celebrate a novus ordo Mass on Sunday

A liberal priest celebrates his first TLM
Very interesting observations by a liberal priest who celebrated his first TLM because parishioners had asked for it.

Newman Society Mass
Catholics of Oxford University celebrate Pope’s restoration of Traditional Latin Mass

Reclaiming What's Been Lost

Monday, November 26, 2007

SP November 26, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

The Death Certificate of the New Mass Has Now Been Signed and Much more
Bishop Fellay of the SSPX on many topics!

Conduct Unbecoming in Poland
You report: Traditional Mass "banned" in Łódź

Bp. Magee of Cloyne writes to his priests on Summorum Pontificum

Fellay speaks about the Motu Proprio - and more...

Sunday, November 25, 2007

SP November 25, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

The 1962 Mass with Post-1970 Innovations:Is It Likely?

Thoughts from Canon Lawyers. HT to NLM

Latin Makes a Comeback
WaPost - Young Catholics Are Leading a Resurgence of the Traditional Mass

Bishop Kieran Conry should resign
Damian Thompson has had it with Summorum Dissenters

Milanese Motu Mayhem: The Press got it wrong!
Andrea Tornielli: I don't think so, and neither does the Pope.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

SP November 24, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

A Radical Solution to the Vocation Crisis - Tradition
The return of the tonsure, wimple and soutane.

The "BCL Guidelines" in relation to Summorum Pontificum

Catholic-Jewish relations move forward, says AJC liaison

Friday, November 23, 2007

SP November 23, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Is the Novus Ordo the "Kids Table"

Father Z. says "At the risk of being somewhat provocative, I suspect the older form, the TLM will become (at least for a while) the "grown up Mass", while the Novus Ordo, still reverent and sound in so many ways, will be lighter, less challenging."

Avoiding Balkanization within the Liturgical Forms
By Shawn Tribe

Thursday, November 22, 2007

SP November 22, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Happy Thanksgiving!

Letter of the Bishop of Norwich
To properly implement the provisions of the Motu Proprio, I have established the Ecclesia Dei Ministry of the Diocese of Norwich. This ministry will respond to the spiritual needs of the faithful in the Diocese who have an attachment to the Extraordinary Rite of the Roman Rite, the Rite of 1962.

Dutch bishops: will train priests and seminarians in the TLM

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

SP November 21, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

A Losing Season in South Bend
We are not talking about football.

Please Don’t Pray at Mass!
Long Island Pastor decries the bad ol' days when the Mass was "incomprehensible."

Roades? Where we are going we need lots of Roades.
The Latin Mass will be celebrated regularly at St. Lawrence Chapel as part of a new community established by Harrisburg Bishop Kevin Rhoades. Fr. Z. shows his gratitude here.

Why the Pope is right to purge modern music
By Damian Thompson

Motu Barada Nikto
Summorum Pontificum is apparently more difficult to decipher than alien dialogue. It is the "The Day the Diocese Stood Still" in Brownsville.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

SP November 20, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

More Archbishop Ranjith in L'Osservatore
"We cannot approach the liturgy with a superficial and less than scientific attitude. This applies to those who adopt a “creative” interpretation of the liturgy but also for those who presume to establish too easily what the liturgy was like at the origins of the Church. A careful exegesis is always needed; we cannot throw out naive interpretations."

Rubrics - Not just for Neo-Theo-Con Rad Trads Anymore
Fr. Z on Arthur Serratelli, Bishop of Patterson

Summorum well received in the Netherlands

Monday, November 19, 2007

SP November 19, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Archbp. Ranjith interview in L’Osservatore Romano on liturgy

Latin services living on

Don Nicola Bux in L'Osservatore Romano today: On the Liturgy on the Anniversary of Mediator Dei

Sunday, November 18, 2007

SP November 18, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Clarification by Christmas?
According to the British Catholic weekly, The Tablet, the Vatican will be issuing 'before Christmas' an Instruction to clarify some aspects of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum.

Important: Ecclesia Dei to ask seminaries to teach Traditional Mass
According to Italian news agency Adnkronos, the Pontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei" will soon publish an order addressed to seminaries "in which it is required that the celebration of the Latin Mass be taught to future priests"

Latin Revival
Some Catholics prefer the mystique and reverence of the Latin Mass, even if they don't know what's being said. The old form of the rite now has a weekly home at Nativity of Our Lord Church in Thunderbolt.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

SP November 17, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Ranjith speaks to Fides: the message of the motu proprio

Father U. M. Lang on Christian Latin as a Liturgical Language

By Rene Henry Gracida, Bishop Emeritus of Corpus Christi

Friday, November 16, 2007

SP November 16, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

The Pope received in audience yesterday morning Cardinal Darío Castrillón Hoyos, President of the Pontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei". Hmmm...

Latin - vehicle of unity between peoples and cultures

By Uwe Michael Lang via Rorate

Pope gets radical and woos the Anglicans
Damian Thompson's scathing editorial on the opponents of the Pope in England and Wales.

Things are moving on the Sacred Music front and the old guard is frightened
By Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Thursday, November 15, 2007

SP November 15, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Cardinal Pell's sermon

Newsletter of the Canon Law Society of Great Britain and Ireland on the important Summorum Pontificum Art. 5

A Richer Liturgical Translation: Interview With Bishop Roche

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

SP November 14, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

For the Liturgically Impaired
Liturgy at Steubenville

Una Voce's Rome Conference

Where the priest should look during Mass

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

SP November 13, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

The epic, and relevant, story of the Latin language.

A biography of the Latin Language

Heaven on Earth

A couples experience of the extraordinary form.

Where they don't make a mess of the mass
Deacon Greg Kendra reminds us that the ordinary form can be done right too.

Monday, November 12, 2007

SP November 12, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Greater use of Tridentine Mass may ‘promote unity’
In the Archdiocese of Chicago, where the Tridentine Mass is already celebrated at several sites, this letter will not have a huge impact, but it may “erase any suspicion that people may have” about the Tridentine Mass, said Cristina Borges, the development director for the Shrine of Christ the King Sovereign Priest.

Father Z: Unsigned editorial in The Tablet: craven prejudice against those who want the older Mass

A "compromise might be conceivable"

Rorate reports on some comments of Bishop Williamson of the SSPX.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

SP November 10, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Latin Mass Draws Interest After Easing of Restrictions
NY Times:But the groundswell that many backers had predicted has not surfaced and seems unlikely, Catholic liturgists and church officials say.

SGS News Extra - SGS priests work to spread the traditional Latin Mass (Part 1)

Friday, November 9, 2007

SP November 9, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

“At a time of day that is convenient for the people”

Plans for Traditional Latin Mass move forward in Monterey diocese, extraordinary rite also being celebrated in other dioceses

Archbp. of Westminster on Summorum Pontificum

A Brief Survey and Analysis of Post-Conciliar Liturgical Philosophies: Part 1 of 2

Thursday, November 8, 2007

SP November 8, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Archbp. of Westminster on Summorum Pontificum

Fr. Z. gives it the once over.

A breakthrough at last
On 18 November, the Bishop of Northampton, Peter Doyle, will administer Confirmation in the Traditional Rite at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Chesham Bois, Bucks. And he will personally celebrate the old Latin Mass as a regular Sunday service - the first diocesan bishop to do so for many years.

Bishop Conry tries to put his foot down
U.K. Bishop says “There is something of a contradiction when you suggest that the ‘extraordinary form’ (as the Holy Father puts it) might actually become the ‘ordinary’ form by taking place on a Sunday morning instead of the “ordinary” Sunday Mass. This is not envisaged by the document.” Huh?

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

SP November 7, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

In Good Faith: Latin Mass
Archbishop Burke on the Motu Proprio

Thomas E. Woods: Benedict's Revolution
The Woods piece is an absolute must read in my opinion.

Latin mass link to the ages

With Pope Benedict's encouragement, more churches return to ancient rite

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

SP November 6, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Latin Lovers in America

The American Spectator

Church stil holds public influence, says French bishops' leader

Conference of the Philippines statement about Summorum Pontificum

Monday, November 5, 2007

SP November 5, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Ranjith speaks: Episcopal "rebellion" going on;
"Bishops and Cardinals" must obey the Pope

Do The Red, Say The Black
Catholic Pillow Fight opines on whether we would need the 'Reform of the Reform' is they would just Do The Red and Say The Black

Cardinal Danneels on the Liturgy: A Commentary

posted by Shawn Tribe

Cognitive Dissonance?

Sunday, November 4, 2007

SP November 4, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Cardinal Pell's Solemn Pontifical Mass-NLM has some pictures of the Mass.

Rorate has its ongoing series of TLMs from around the world. This time from Brazil

Saturday, November 3, 2007

SP Weekend November 3-4, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Australia Celebrates Letter on 1962 Missal
The archbishop of Sydney will preside Saturday at a Mass said in the extraordinary form at St. Mary's Cathedral. The event is a celebration on the occasion of Benedict XVI's apostolic letter "Summorum Pontificum," published in July.

The Tridentine Mass for Joe Sixpack - Priest to Offer Courses in the Traditional Mass

Friday, November 2, 2007

SP November 2, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Bishop Hollis and the ‘Extraordinary Rite’

Tabernacle Back Where It Belongs

Drilling into Manlio Sodi’s ghastly pamphlet against Summorum Pontificum

Some Thoughts on Motu Proprio Mania
by Mark Shea

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

SP October 31, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Panorama: document from Ecclesia Dei soon

Solemn Pontifical Mass of Bishop Peter J. Elliott, Australia

Who's really nostalgic? Richard McBrien, that's who.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

SP October 30, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Rorate Confirms What We Expect
-(1) a document is being prepared by the Pontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei" explaining some points of the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, including what criteria may be used to identify a stably existing group (no specific minimum number) and clarifications regarding the differences between the calendars of both forms of the Roman Rite - the document may be published, accoding to Ingrao, "in the next few days";

-(2) the possibility of a traditional Mass celebrated by the Pope in December (according to Ingrao, not in Saint Peter's, but maybe in Saint Paul Outside the Walls);

-(3) the probability that the excommunications of the Bishops involved in the consecrations of June 30, 1988, in Ecône, Switzerland may soon be lifted.
FSSP in England

Monday, October 29, 2007

SP October 29, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Two Takes on Tridentine Mass

A secular newspaper and a priest measure response to the motu proprio. Guess who gets it right?

Naples, FL: implementing Summorum Pontificum

Steubenville's Response: Reluctant Acceptance

Sunday, October 28, 2007

SP October 28, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Two Takes on Tridentine Mass

A secular newspaper and a priest measure response to the motu proprio. Guess who gets it right?

Saturday, October 27, 2007

SP October 27, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

The Dinosaurs Doth Protest Too Much
My take on the Fr. McBrien's protest.

Father Z. gives it the once over here.

And the Source:
The Latin Mass by Fr. Wacko Progressive Condescending Dinosaur (aka Fr. Richard McBrien)
But if such Catholics are under the ages of 45 or 50, they have little or no hands-on experience of the pre-Vatican II Mass. It is a mystery how one can be nostalgic for something one had never experienced.

Don Guido speaks: Motu proprio "an act of justice"
"[It is] as the Church wishes and teaches, not more and not less. I am not the kind of person who looks for inventions and oddities. I may even seem banal, but the liturgy is respect to the rules laid down by the Church, and I see no reason for which I should disobey it.

"Ordinary" and "Extraordinary": A Discussion about Interpretive Keys to their Meaning

Friday, October 26, 2007

SP October 26, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Interview: Cardinal Arinze on the Church, its sacraments and the Latin Mass

The Latin revival has begun
Damian Thompson say "I never thought I’d say this, but three cheers for Bishop Declan Lang of Clifton, two of whose parishes have begun celebrating the ancient Latin Mass five times a week, including on Sundays."

Arkansas priests get overview on Latin Mass
Seminary professor leads three-day program on 'motu proprio'

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

SP October 25, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Fellay speaks: I am confident
Williamson and I are on the same line, that which believes that we could hardly re-enter a Church as is. And the reasons are quite simple. Benedict XVI has indeed liberalized the ancient rite, but I cannot explain for what reason he made such a decision if he then allows the majority of Bishops to criticize and disobey him regarding what he determined. What should we do? Re-enter the Church and then be insulted by all those people?

Continuing reaction to the Steubenville Saga.

SP October 24, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Shawn gives Dan a Holy Whapping?

A discussion of the reform of the reform in the post motu proprio world.

Students Push for Addition of Latin Mass

(Georgetown) Campus Ministry Says Training, Scheduling Concerns Pose Problems .
Father Z. comments here.

Steubenville Soap Opera
Will the real FUS please stand up?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

SP October 23, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

"There is something with Rome, but it is, in any case, discreet."
Rorate has the scoop on some possible discreet talks with the SSPX.

A Quick Synopsis of the FSSP Training Kit

Santa Maria Maggiore and two Canadian FSSP apostolates experience growth in frequency

Monday, October 22, 2007

SP October 22, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Fastest turnaround in the history of a Publishing House

Summorum Pontificum and the Future of the Liturgy
We had to wait a long time for the Motu Proprio, Summorum Pontificum, to be promulgated, but it was worth it. The document is well thought out and gives some precise juridical norms for the use of the traditional Latin liturgy of the Church. Over the next ten years this new legislation will have a profound effect on the worship of the Catholic Church.

The Astonishing Work of St. John Cantius
I’ve heard wonderful things about St. John Cantius in Chicago, and I had the opportunity to interview of its priests for Sacred Music, but nothing could have prepared me for the full glory of the reality that this parish is. I was here for a training session in the sung Mass for celebrants, from Wednesday through Friday, so I was not there for Sunday. Nonetheless, I was overwhelmed.

Friday, October 19, 2007

SP October 19, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Tridentine Mass II: An apology

By Rev. Peter J. Daly

I'm sorry.

Some weeks ago I wrote a column about the recent "motu proprio" from Rome permitting wider celebration of the Tridentine Mass (The Tidings, Aug. 17).

In 20 years of writing columns I never got so much angry mail. The only columns that even came close were about gun control and immigration.
The old Latin ritual was universal. No matter where you were, from Korea to Chicago, it was the same. Its universality united us and set us apart.

On conservative Catholic blogs my name has been mud. I have been called everything from a heretic to a fool.

I'm sorry if I offended anyone. And it may surprise my correspondents, but I actually agree with many of them.

“The use of the Latin language is to be preserved”
Will Benedict XVI’s motu proprio result in more Tridentine Masses in California?

Lecture on the Motu Proprio

Thursday, October 18, 2007

SP October 18, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Madison (WI): Bishop to celebrate Missa Pontificalis

AUDIO STREAM: The Colorado Catholic Herald Show
Bishop Sheridan discusses pope's Latin Mass document

Oct 12, 2007 3:00 PM
Click here to listen to the latest episode of The Colorado Catholic Herald Show on KFEL.

On Rorate CÆLi:You report: Traditional Masses around the world.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

SP October 17, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Father John Trigilio responds to Priestly Rant
A response to the rant of Father Pat on the motu proprio.

Seminarians (parishioners) “traddy cliques”? Be careful.

Liturgical music in England
While the Motu Proprio has left us all with lots to do, liturgical music has to be one of the priorities, and I agree very much with the emphasis this blog places on music. Although a 'nice quiet Mass' is many people's fervent desire after being subjected to bad liturgical music, nothing is so attractive, I believe, as really good music for those who haven't yet seen the 'point' of the liturgy, be they Catholics or non-Catholics.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Summorum Pontificum October 16, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

The Latin Mass, Hitler, Martin Luther, and Much More!
One of the more staggeringly crazy rants to date. Not to be missed!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Summorum Pontificum October 15, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

What does the Pope know about liturgy anyway?
Damian Thompson reports that Robert Mickens of the Tablet is peeved:
But now for the really bad news. “His replacement as MC, Fr Guido Marini (no relation), has degrees in canon law and communications, while over at the Congregation for Divine Worship not one of the top three officials is a liturgist.”

And, wait for it… “Nor, just for the record, is the Pope.”
An Unfortunate Article on the Motu Proprio From Lubbock
The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal published an article Saturday called, "Local clergy not expecting big demand for 'Dominus vobiscum.'" Right out of the gate the headline is strange. The article is based upon an interview with a Lubbock pastor and other local sources who seem very negatively inclined to the Motu Proprio.

From Rapid City:Latin Mass OK with pope

Msgr. Perl of the Pont. Comm. “Ecclesia Dei”: we are drafting an instruction on the interpretation of Summorum Pontificum

Friday, October 12, 2007

SP October 12, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Read an absolutely unbelievable statement from His Excellency Most Rev. Malcolm Ranjith, Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments. This constitutes an clear shot across the bow of every foot dragging obstructionist bishop. Read and leap for joy.
“The motu proprio Summorum Pontificum on the Latin Liturgy of July 7th 2007 is the fruit of a deep reflection by our Pope on the mission of the Church. It is not up to us, who wear ecclesiastical purple and red, to draw this into question, to be disobedient and make the motu proprio void by our own little, tittle rules. Even not if they were made by a bishops conference. Even bishops do not have this right. What the Holy Fathers says, has to be obeyed in the Church. If we do not follow this principle, we will allow ourselves to be used as instruments of the devil, and nobody else. This will lead to discord in the Church, and slows down her mission. We do not have the time to waste on this. Else we behave like emperor Nero, fiddling on his violin while Rome was burning. The churches are emptying, there are no vocations, the seminaries are empty. Priests become older and older, and young priests are scarce.”

Thursday, October 11, 2007

SP Happenings

By Patrick Archbold

Wow. Sorry if I am a little behind the eight ball on this as I was traveling all yesterday and did not have access to a computer. With that said, we have some big happenings, or so it may seem.

First. Le Croix reported yesterday that:
Due to these difficulties in the application of the text [of the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum], the commission Ecclesia Dei is considering the elaboration of a directive which may detail the forms of application. And the Pope could celebrate the Mass in the Extraordinary, that is pre-Conciliar, Roman Rite soon.
This has been followed up by Andrea Tornielli:
The Pope himself would be quite displeased by some of the instances of "resistance" being shown even in Italian dioceses and it is likely that quite soon some interpretive norms will be issued to correct the application of the document according to the meaning desired by Benedict XVI.
So it would seem that a major clarification may be on the way. Excellent. Father Z. calls it an "Attitude Adjustment".

What is more in Le Croix we have this incredible snippet indicating that the episcopal excommunications of the SSPX may soon be lifted!
[At a conference at Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet, on October 5] The head of the Lefebvrists [Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior-General of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X - FSSPX/SSPX] also hopes that the excommunications pronounced in 1988, at the moment of the illicit episcopal ordinations in Écône, will soon be lifted. "Maybe from now to the end of autumn."
Wow. You can't miss a day around here.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

SP October 10, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Lost in Translation...Actually Before Translation
An update to Fr. Z's post on the USCCB motu text.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

SP October 9, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Latin mass worshippers 'thrown out'

But the group says that the church has now stopped them holding the weekly services and only offering them once-a-month mass, forcing them to move to St Mary Magdalen's Church in Penwortham.
"It has upset a lot of people who simply do not know what they have done wrong. A monthly service is no use to us, we are committed to our faith and need to celebrate it every week."

Nix the SSPX secret talks.
News reports disseminated primarily on French language websites and blogs last week asserting that the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) has been in secret doctrinal discussions with theologians of the Holy See are incorrect, according to the Society’s official news service.

Is there a stable and continuous text of Summorum Pontificum?
It is no wonder we have translation problems.

Monday, October 8, 2007

SP October 8, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Sooner Insanity!
The following is a letter published in the Sooner Catholic, a diocesan newspaper serving Oklahoma City. This letter, unfortunately, is by a priest and is a reaction to the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum. Read at your own risk. You will almost certainly lose a few IQ points by the end.

Paranoia will destroy ya!
Some more craziness from Oklahoma. This time from Tulsa. "So pardon me if I remain offended by this further slide back in to the abyss"

Latin Mass’ popularity growing in R.I. parishes
Yesterday, as more than 400 people filtered into what some people still call the “new” St. Bart’s (having replaced the original building in 1969), 10 altar servers, all grown men, two deacons and two priests gathered in a room to don cassocks and robes, hoping that they would not forget what they had learned in three weeks of rehearsals.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

SP October 7, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

The renewed Roman liturgy—and especially the rite of Holy Mass—was not any sort of an expression of modernism in the church. According to the decisions of the Second Vatican Council, the new liturgy was implemented with the permission of Pope Paul VI, so that the faithful could completely and actively participate in the liturgy and personally feel the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Cardinal George on the Motu Proprio

By Patrick Archbold

"We are somewhere else now."
John Allen Jr. of NCR has a wide ranging interview with Cardinal George of Chicago. In it, Allen asks the Cardinal about the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum. I have excerpted those questions and answers here with my emphases and [comments].

SP Weekend October 6-7, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Cardinal George on the Motu Proprio
—‘We’re somewhere else now.’

Secret theological discussions with the SSPX in Rome?

Stably Existing Bad Translations
They continue to get "continenter exsistit" wrong.

Fr. Paul Scalia offers the Traditional Latin Mass:

Friday, October 5, 2007

SP October 5, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Polish bishops' guidelines on motu proprio
Warsaw, Oct. 4, 2007 ( - The Polish bishops' conference has issued guidelines for the implementation of Summorum Pontificum, setting out a list of 10 considerations to guide the use of the traditional Latin Mass.

Missale Romanum 1962
The full Missale Romanum is online, hosted by the CMAA and thanks to a generous gift from Fr. Robert Skeris. HT to Fr. Z.

A note about the uncomprehending
"Wow, I had never thought of it like that before! Here I was stuck in the Middle Ages but now I suddenly feel called to Build the City of God and Sing a New Church into Being!"

Thursday, October 4, 2007

SP Today

By Patrick Archbold

Vatican does not plan to reprint the Missal of '62
From an interview with Father Giuseppe Costa, the new director of the Libreria Editrice Vaticana, the Vatican Publishing House (Petrus)

In Holland, They're Inventing Their Own Mass – Copyrighted by the Dominicans
The experimentation is already underway. In place of the priest are men and women selected by the faithful. And all together pronounce the words of consecration, which are varied as desired. In the view of the Dutch Dominicans, this is what Vatican Council II wanted.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Summorum Pontificum October 3, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Mahrt guides Gregorian chant's long legacy at Stanford
For nearly two millennia, the sound has been a regular pulse beneath the skin of Western civilization. It reverberated through Dante's mind as he scratched out the cantos of the Purgatorio. It was the inaudible vein of thought running beneath the chords of Mozart's Requiem. Crusaders trudged to the East with these melodies in their heart, but they were too late—Jerusalem had echoed with it centuries earlier. It was ubiquitous, universal—that is, until about 40 years ago.
The tide may be turning, and, if so, it will be William Mahrt's moment in the sun.

Enjoy an article by Bp. Arthur Seratelli on liturgical unity through gestures and postures

Introibo ad altare Dei (I will go in to the altar of God)
The Latin Mass returns to Pawtucket

Summorum Pontificum October 2, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Dappled Things:The Monastery, the Motu Proprio, and the Heart of the Church
by Philip Carl Smith
“The liturgy is the heart of the Church,” the abbot responded with a serene expression, “and Pope Benedict knows what medicine the Church requires.”

Why Did God Make the Dinosaurs Extinct? He couldn't take the condescension.
The Most Rev. Emil A. Wcela, recently retired auxiliary Bishop of my home Diocese of Rockville Centre, has an article in this weeks America Magazine. The somewhat ironic piece is entitled "A Dinosaur Ponders The Latin Mass". See how many tired and used up cliches you can spot.

Life in the post-motu-proprio world: A reflection on the reform of the reform.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Statement From Fresno

By Patrick Archbold

Recent Stories:

Bp. of Victoria (Canada): “the Ordinary and Extraordinary, will no doubt, influence one another”
Will the Pope celebrate a Traditional Mass on December 2?
A wonderful letter to the editor of the Georgia Bulletin by a 16yr old.

Pastoral Message aired on KNXT-TV during October 2007

Bishop John T. Steinbock, Diocese of Fresno

My Dear People of God,

The document Pope Benedict XVI issued on July 7 regarding the use of the Latin Mass, reformed and published with the authority of Pope John XXIII in 1962, took effect in the Universal Church on September 14 of this year. The Holy Father declared that both this 1962 Latin Mass, referred to as the Tridentine Mass, and the Mass we now celebrate, the Mass of Paul VI published in 1970, form one and the same Rite.

The Holy Father has given permission to a priest, in Masses celebrated without the people, to celebrate the extraordinary form of 1962 in Latin, on his own authority. He does not need permission of the Bishop. Masses celebrated without people are private and non-scheduled Masses. The Holy Father states that Christ’s faithful, with due observance of law, who spontaneously request it, may be admitted to these celebrations.

In parishes where a group of faithful attached to the previous liturgical tradition exists stably, if the pastor is able, he is asked to accede to their requests for the celebration of the Mass according to the rite of the Roman Missal published in 1962. If a group of lay faithful does not obtain what it requests from the pastor, it should inform the diocesan Bishop. If he cannot provide for this celebration, the Holy Father says that the matter should be referred to the Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei.”

As the Bishop of our Diocese, I have always allowed a Sunday Mass in Latin according to the 1962 Missal, both in the South and the North, the Bakersfield area and the Fresno area, for those people, coming from many different parishes, who have an attachment to the Mass in Latin. I thank those priests who have provided this Mass through the years. It is a reality that there are very few priests left that are able to celebrate the Mass in Latin either in the ordinary or the extraordinary form.

I cannot foresee, at this time, a regular Sunday Mass in Latin in any other parishes, unless the pastor of a parish is personally able and willing to celebrate this Mass in Latin. Most priests are already celebrating two, three and sometimes four Masses, both on Saturdays and Sundays. As the Bishop, I also have to tell everyone, quite frankly, that because of the shortage of priests, we are now preparing to have some of our parishes staffed, not by a priest, but by a Permanent Deacon, a Religious, or a Lay Person, who will be called a “Parish Life Coordinator.” This person will be in charge of leading the parish community, with a priest coming to celebrate Mass and hear Confessions when available.

Hopefully, the document of the Holy Father will have a significant impact in Europe, where relatively few faithful are coming to Mass on Sunday. Here in our Diocese, our parish churches, with multiple Masses, are filled with people, who experience a vibrant and devotional Sunday Liturgy. We are blest, in so many ways, but we are in great need of priests. Let us pray for vocations especially from within our parish communities. +

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Will the Pope celebrate a Traditional Mass on December 2?

By Patrick Archbold

Will the Pope celebrate a Traditional Mass on December 2?

Rorate Caeli has a translation of a story from Corriere della Sera, reported today.
The heart of the story is "After the arrival of the new cerimoniere, it is "probable" that the Pope will celebrate a Mass in the old rite, in Saint Peter's, obviously entirely in Latin: it could take place on December 2, First Sunday in Advent. "

SP September 29, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Letter to the Editor in the Georgia Bulletin (HT to the Crescat)

To the Editor:

I am 16 years old, and for the past 11 months I have attended the traditional Latin Mass weekly, while still attending the Novus Ordo Mass during the week. Because of this, I decided to address certain points made by Carroll Sterne in the Sept. 6 edition of The Georgia Bulletin. Mr. Sterne speaks about the type of Mass that someone of a younger generation is drawn to, and I thought that a teenager’s point of view might be helpful.

Mr. Sterne in his letter gives voice to the opinion of many of today’s liturgists when he says that no one from a younger generation would be drawn to the Latin Mass (many take this even further and assume that we would not like a reverent Novus Ordo Mass either). This opinion causes many of those who plan modern liturgies to do veritable back flips in an attempt to draw teenagers and young adults in. Sometimes this works, but it has a side effect: by doing these things, liturgists show that they have absolutely no faith in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to change the lives of those in my generation. My generation knows about this lack of faith, we are able to see it every time we go to a “teen Mass” and experience priests ad-libbing prayers in an attempt to make them more relevant to us.

This lack of faith backfires; it sends us the message that we also should distrust the power of the liturgy, and it also can turn the Mass into something of a joke.

After experiencing this for months, I attended a Traditional Latin Mass and experienced something that I’d never seen before: Here was a priest who expected my life to be changed without adding anything to the Mass in an attempt to bring this change about. This priest had perfect faith in the power of the liturgy, and it showed. It was beautiful. The traditional Mass did more to change my life then any “relevant” teen Mass ever did.

Ethan Milukas, Peachtree City
Motu Proprio? Great! But where does that leave the Reform of the Reform? by Shawn Tribe
I believe we now, more than ever, need to move beyond thinking that is in terms of the reform of the reform or classical liturgy being distinct and separate camps and initiatives -- and never the twain shall meet (as the saying goes).

Michaelmas at St. Rita's in Alexandria, VA
On 29 September 2007, Fr. Paul Scalia, the son of Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia, offered a Missa Cantata of the "extraordinary use" of the Mass at St. Rita's Catholic Church in Alexandria, Virginia for Michaelmas (the Feast of Michael the Archangel on the traditional calendar).

Friday, September 28, 2007

SP September 28, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Summorum Pontificum "interpreted" (read "curtailed")by German Bishops

Liturgical Dispute; St. Peter's Online
The Italian episcopal conference met Sept. 16-19 and immediately brought up the question of implementing the apostolic letter. Of the 30 Italian bishops in the assembly, a small number took the opportunity to criticize the document, claiming that the ecclesiology in the old missal was "incompatible" with the new rite.

German Bishops issue guidelines for Summorum Pontificum

Bp. Farrell on the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

SP Varia

By Patrick Archbold

Montreal priests say they're in no rush to return to Latin in masses
Pope's decree 'not relevant,' hasn't even come up for discussion, one pastor says

The Canons Regular of St. John Cantius of Chicago ( now provide online instruction in sacred liturgical music on their new website: WWW.SANCTAMISSA.ORG/EN/MUSIC. These articles on sacred liturgical music explain the musical rubrics as they pertain to the celebration of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite (1962 Missale Romanum).

Implementing Summorum Pontificum at Shrine of the Immaculate Conception (Washington, DC)

Monday, September 24, 2007

SP September 24, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

TLM training said to be planned at North American College

From St. Louis: Archdiocesan priests attend meeting on Latin Mass rules.

Traditional Mass Celebrated in Greenwich

Sunday, September 23, 2007

SP September 23, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Traditional Mass: Sign of Contradiction - II
When all else fails, lie, lie, lie...

Daily Traditional Mass Restored
Diocesan priests speaks out on tradition, the Mass and the Pope's MP
Interviewed by Michael J. Matt Editor, The Remnant

Cardinal Pell: Pope Didn't Turn Back Time

Friday, September 21, 2007

Guidelines in New Orleans: The (not so) Big Easy

By Patrick Archbold

Please find the Guidelines for the implementation of Summorum Pontificum for the Diocese New Orleans with my emphases and [comments]

Check out the letter from Bishop Murphy of the Diocese of Rockville Centre.
Fr. Z's comments here

SP September 21, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Latin Mass fine for those with ADD
--No I am not making this up.

The Musical Impact of the Motu Proprio

Changing the liturgical mindset
--Fr. Tim Finigan gives his two cents on the Paul Inwood debacle.

Latin Mass Missal Sales Double

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Summorum Pontificum September 20, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Latin Mass Chaplaincy for Dublin
In response to Pope Benedcit’s recent Apostolic Letter Summorum Pontificum, Archbishop Martin has established a Chaplaincy for the faithful of the Diocese attached to the older form of the Roman rite (the ‘extraordinary’ from). Fr Gerard Deighan has been appointed Chaplain, and will be assisted by Fr.’s Michael G. Nevin and William Richardson.

Bertone speaks on the Reform of the Curia and Summorum Pontificum

Father Z. was busy with Bp. Campbell of Columbus on Summorum Pontificum

Whose Rite Is It Anyway?
—"They said we had no right to be there and that they were the only legitimate worshippers in that church." Problems with the Latin Mass? Think again.

The Colorado Catholic reports No additional Latin Masses on horizon in diocese of Colorado Springs

First Things: Prayer and Politics By Edward T. Oakes, S.J.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

SP Varia

By Patrick Archbold

The Worst of the Worst!
Hold on to your 1962 Missals folks! This is one of the worst responses to the Motu Proprio yet!

But wait! Here is some stiff competition!

The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!
Russian representatives attend Latin Mass in Loreto

Faith and Begorrah!

Tridentine daily Masses are back in Ireland. "And who taught ya to be playing patty fingers in the Holy Water?"

Monday, September 17, 2007

SP September 18, 2007

By Patrick Archbold

Bagnasco speaks on the Motu Proprio
From the main address of the President of the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI), Archbishop Angelo Bagnasco, to the permanent council of the Conference (September 17, 2007).

Roundup of some of the secular reports:
Seattle Times, Times Picayune, and the Birmingham News.

Forty Hours Devotion in Thanksgiving for the Holy Father's Motu Proprio
September 14-16, 2007
In thanksgiving for His Holiness's motu proprio "Summorum Pontificum," the Institute of Christ the King held a Forty Hours devotion in the historical landmark Shrine of Christ the King in Chicago. The Forty Hours Devotion took place over this past weekend, culminating in a most beautiful High Mass on Sunday during exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. For pictures of the event, see

Some intersesting comments at Scelata
If I were not employed, and were free to participate where and when and how I would, the Extraordinary Form would not be my first choice.
But now, praise Benedict and the motu proprio, I am at least entitled to ask for that, whereas I am not entitled to ask for the Ordinary Form with the Ordinary sung in Latin.
Or the Ordinary Form with the priest facing ad orientem. Or the Ordinary Form with no jokes. Or the Ordinary Form without being asked to squawk Lord of the Dance. Or the Ordinary Form without a glad-handing rotary convention inserted where the Pax Christi is offered. Or the Ordinary Form where no adolescent in a football jersey will address me from the sanctuary. Or the Ordinary Form with no mention of Jambalaya or sports enthusiasms.

So I am asking for the Extraordinary Form.
And my aspirations are rightful.
