Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Despite abortion views, Biden, Pelosi receive communion in Vatican Mass

This is very troubling:

Despite abortion views, Biden, Pelosi receive communion in Vatican Mass
By Dave Boyer
The Washington Times
March 19, 2013

Vice President Joseph R. Biden and House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi both received communion during the Mass to celebrate the installation of Pope Francis in spite of their pro-choice position on abortion.

The vice president’s office confirmed Tuesday night that both he and Mrs. Pelosi took communion during the Mass at St. Peter’s Square in Rome.

Some Catholics argue that politicians whose positions on abortion and contraception conflict with church teachings should not receive communion.

“Vice President Biden and Nancy Pelosi should certainly not receive Communion, either at the papal installation or anywhere else,” said the Rev. Frank Pavone, founder of Priests for Life, a U.S.-based Catholic anti-abortion organization.

He predicted a “public uproar” if they took communion.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry your head about it blogmeister! They only ignored Canon Law.

    Apparently that is now the in-thing after Holy Thursday in Rome. After all, if the supreme legislator doesn't take his own law seriously, why should anybody else?
