Dear Mr. Dankers,
We wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 14 November 2007 and beg your indulgence for not having managed to respond sooner due to the volume of mail which we have received since the promulgation of the Motu Proprio Summorum Ponsijicum and the many matters which have required our immediate attention.
With regard to your questions, we can state the following:
1. Candidates for the priesthood in the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church have the right to be instructed in both forms of the Roman Rite.
2. Those responsible for the formation of candidates for the priesthood in the Roman Rite olthe Catholic Church should provide for the instruction of their candidates in both forms of the Roman Rite.
3. There is no plan to implement a generalized Latin test for seminarians and priests who wish to celebrate Mass according to the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite, but it is expected that those who celebrate should have a sufficient mastery of Latin to he able to read, pronounce correctly and understand the sacred texts which they must recite or sing.
We expect that these matters will soon be treated in an instruction on the application ofthe Motu Proprio Summorum Poniftcum.
With prayerful best wishes for a Blessed Lent and Holy Week, I remain
Sincerley Yours in Christ
Rev. Msgr. Camille Perl
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
SP March 5, 2008
By Patrick Archbold
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Fessio should stick to his Adoremus Mess. And that stage he's on is certainly not recognisable as a sanctuary; nor is that suppertable an Altar.
I was dissapointed when I read that
Fr. Fessio had no intention of saying the old rite of the mass.
I always thought that he was on our
side. The Novus Ordo Traditionlists. And now with this photo of him saying Mass with 60's and 70's style setting. My dissapointment is rock solid.
Angelo, in the picture, Fr Fessio is saying the "old rite of the Mass." The "setting" you see in the picture is simply what was available. I am sure he would prefer a beautiful church, but the ball room is what was available. Even before Vatican II Mass was often said in makeshift locations (for soldiers in the field, etc.)
patrick, How I wish I could be
convinced of your post. Is this
really the ballroom, It has the
Via Crucis. Our Lord complained
to St Catherine of Sienna, "My
House they humble, but their own dwelling places they lavishly
furnish." Before Sept. 14, 2007.
Fr. Fessio was interviewed about
The Motu Proprio, He is quoted as
saying, "I will never say the old
Latin Mass." I have seen photos
of makeshift Altars. God was
never humbled. The Altars were
decorated with the best that was
available. The priest wearing the
most honorable vestments for the
greater Glory and Honor of God.
I have to be honest, the Vestments
used by Fr. Fessio are nothing less
that plain ugly.
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